School Funding
July 11th, 2019
In the recent legislative session, state lawmakers approved two new bills that will lower school property taxes and limit the rise of other property taxes in Texas, at least until the next legislative session.
May 7th, 2019
The Texas Senate on Monday approved a bill to massively overhaul public school finance, but did so while backing away from a proposal to use an increased sales tax to lower school district property taxes.
February 19th, 2018
There is much heated debate right now over skyrocketing property taxes in Texas and who is to blame. Who's the real culprit? Who's been fighting to cut your property taxes in Montgomery County?
June 11th, 2019
A massive overhaul of how Texas funds public education was signed into law Tuesday as Republican Gov. Greg Abbott trumpeted the $11 billion program that will mean an increase pay for teachers and lower property taxes.
March 5th, 2018
One of the main concerns for residents of Montgomery County is the increasing property tax burden. The county and state government finance systems are so complex that it is easy for misconceptions to arise about how the...
August 8th, 2013
As former chairman of the Texas Workforce Commissioner, Tom Pauken is no stranger to the pages of TexasGOPVote. Pauken has been a news contributor for this website nearly from its inception in 2009. Now Pauken has taken on a...