Will Hurd: U.S. Representative Candidate (TX-23)
Why Run for Congress?
The short answer is that I want to continue to serve my country, and would like nothing more than to represent the interests of the citizens of Texas.
Many folks asked me a similar question when I decided to join the CIA upon graduating from Texas A&M University. People didn’t understand why I wasn’t joining the other computer science graduates who were securing near six figure starting salaries. The offers were there, the money was on the table – I was graduating with a computer science degree at the height of the dot.com craze.
My answer? I thought that there couldn’t be a better way to serve my country than by joining the ranks of a small fraternity who toil in exotic and dangerous locations trying to solve difficult problems that face our nation. The last decade with the CIA has been incredibly exciting, and I’ve gained an insight into how our government functions and the impact that our congressmen have on our society through determining how our tax dollars are spent to establishing the particulars of our foreign policy.
Congress has a dramatic impact on our day-to-day lives, and it’s important that its members respect this and are worthy of such trust. While traveling throughout Texas and the United States, I’ve often told a story that truly shocked me. Over the last decade, I participated in a significant number of congressional briefings - and I was severely disappointed by our representatives’ lack of interest in, and understanding of, the issues related to the particular committees on which they sat. On several occasions, senior committee members of the Congressional Intelligence committees asked me to re-explain the difference between Sunnis and Shias.
I also believe that many of our legislators have grown out of touch with their constituents. Along those lines, I do not think that the residents of the 23rd want their Representative to take direction from the San Francisco wing of the Democratic Party.
My mother told me a long time ago, a person has a choice to be part of the problem or part of the solution. Therefore I made a very tough decision to quit my job - a job I loved and a job I was good at - to try to use the skill set that I’ve developed and the knowledge that I have gained to solve another set of difficult problems that face our nation. After making this decision several people asked me why I wasn’t planning on taking advantage of lucrative job opportunities that are available to individuals with my security clearance and intelligence expertise. I told them that there couldn’t be a better way to continue serving my country than by fighting on behalf of great Americans who just want their voices to be heard.
If you are interested in learning more about my campaign, please visit my website: http://www.texansforhurd.com/.