
Protecting Constitutional Checks and Balances

Here in the Land of the Free, we value our rights. Our Founding Fathers set forth clear protections in the Bill of Rights to ensure all Americans would enjoy basic freedoms. And now when any federal politician or law enforcement official begins their service to this nation, they take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. But these days it seems like the Obama administration doesn’t care to stand by this pledge. Time and time again, we have seen the president overstep his constitutional authority. Read more about Protecting Constitutional Checks and Balances

Don't Shake Hands?!

Don't shake hands was heard across the baseball playing field after the game was called. Never in the hundreds of baseball games that I have attended have I witnessed such poor sportsmanship.This was an especially disturbing outburst since it involved my grandson's baseball team of 13 year olds, the TERPS, who had just won. Read more about Don't Shake Hands?!

The Clintons' Own IRS Scandal!


In 1996, Al Salvi appeared to be a tough opponent in a political race against Dick Durbin to fill an open Senate seat. Close to the election, Salvi was hit with charges of violating campaign laws and found himself on the defensive during the stretch run. After the election, an IRS agent went to Salvi and offered him a deal: promise to never run for office and the charges will be dropped. Salvi said no and found himself spending a significant portion to defend himself before a Federal Court threw the case out. The IRS agent's name was Lois Lerner. Read more about The Clintons' Own IRS Scandal!

Supreme Court Decides to Protect Religious Freedom

I applaud the Supreme Court’s decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby to rebuke President Obama’s overreach and protect religious freedom. 

I am very glad the Supreme Court once again rebuked President Obama’s overreach and decided to protect religious freedom. Today’s decision is a win for my constituents in West Texas and the American people. The federal government should never force hardworking small business owners to violate their religious beliefs in order to comply with the beliefs of bureaucrats in Washington.

America – Imagine the World without Her: Countering Progressivism’s Attack on the very Idea of America!

Having met Dinesh D'Souza briefly, having seen his first movie 2016 and read that book, and now having seen the new movie America—Imagine the World without Her twice, I could hardly wait to read the book the movie was based on. I was expecting a few arrows directed at Obama, but although on target, those were quite limited. Rather than a typical political treatise, this book is much,

Hobby Lobby Decision a Victory for Religious Freedom

Today is a victory for religious freedom across America. The Supreme Court rightly affirmed that the Obama administration cannot require family-owned companies to provide a product or service in violation of their religious beliefs. It upholds the idea that companies can have a conscience.

There are many reasons to oppose Obamacare, but the contraceptives mandate strikes at the core of

Humanitarian Crisis At The Border


The state that gives Obama so much ‘trouble’ is the state receiving the illegals. Illigals mostly from Central America are arriving by the thousands through the Mexico-Texas border and are causing havoc as Texas officials try to deal with the harrowing dilemma. Governor Rick Perry announced that the state is providing $1.3 million of taxpayer money per week until the end of the year.

Obama "Doubling Down" on Governing by Fiat

Recent comments from President Obama and White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest indicate that the White House will continue to bypass Congress and address the humanitarian crisis on our southern border using executive actions:

During a week when the Supreme Court unanimously rebuked the President’s overreach, you would think he would show some humility and work with Congress on a solution to the crisis on the border, one that he created. Sadly, he appears to be doubling down on his efforts to govern by fiat. Read more about Obama "Doubling Down" on Governing by Fiat

Searching for IRS Answers


Last Monday, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee held a hearing to question Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner John Koskinen on the agency losing two years’ worth of former IRS official Lois Lerner’s e-mails central to the Congressional investigation into the IRS' political targeting. As part of its investigation the Oversight Committee issued subpoenas for several IRS documents,

2014 State Republican Convention Recap


The following is a recap of the 2014 State Republican Convention from the Republican Party of Texas:

The 2014 Republican State Convention took place in Fort Worth from June 5-7 and was a huge success. 2012 set a benchmark for future Texas GOP conventions with the original videos and a production value


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