UT Student to Raise Bitcoins Running 50 Miles With No Training

Steve Guillen, a Mechanical Engineering student at UT-Austin, is attempting the unthinkable challenge. He will be running the Hell’s Hills Tejas Trail Run in Smithville, TX this Saturday. Why is this unthinkable? Because the race is 50 miles long, and Steve is running it with no training. He is hoping to raise fifty bitcoins to donate to

Pete Sessions Statement on March Jobs Report


Today I released the following statement regarding the Department of Labor’s March jobs report:

While additional job creation is always welcome news, today’s report serves as a reminder that ObamaCare is holding back our economy from robust growth and making it more difficult for hardworking Americans to make ends meet. With 7.4 million Americans only

Rand Paul Says GOP Must Get ‘Beyond Deportation’

As GOP hopefuls view the 2016 political environment, they realize that the current conflicting messages given by the Grand Old Party will do nothing to help their political aspirations. It is time that Republicans develop a clear vision and presentation of their vision for America, if they are to see gains in 2014 and 2016.

As the Democrats have had six years to address the immigration issue and have offered no responsible proposals to reform our immigration system,

Amazing America!


I have always loved the Patriot Band, Madison Rising… but this new song they wrote, “Amazing America” is so spot on!

It is the theme song for Sarah Palin’s new show on the Sportsman’s Channel that will premier April 3rd…

If the show is even half as good as this intro theme song, it should be a hit! Read more about Amazing America!

Pro Life From Birth to Natural Death

If anyone shed the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed;
For in the image of God has man been made.
Genesis 9:6


As Christians we should take our society’s social issues to heart. What kind of people kill its unborn or euthanizes the disabled and elderly? These acts are unthinkable to most.

Ft. Hood Shooting Leaves 4 Dead, 16 Injured

FORT HOOD, TEXAS--For the second time in five years, a military commander has stood before the media outside the gates of Fort Hood, Texas, to explain the details of a shooting of soldiers in the nation’s largest military installation. Lt. General Mark A. Milley, III Corps and Fort Hood Commander, briefed nearly 150 members of the media about the shooting which left four dead (including the shooter) and sixteen wounded. Read more about Ft. Hood Shooting Leaves 4 Dead, 16 Injured

Pete Sessions Statement on the Fort Hood Shooting


It is with a heavy heart that I send my condolences to the families who lost loved ones at Fort Hood yesterday. It pains me to hear that the brave men and women who put their lives on the line for our freedom faced such a devastating tragedy here at home. I am extremely grateful for the brave first responders who aided those in harm’s way and will continue to send prayers to all who were injured. During this difficult time, I stand ready to support the Fort Hood community in any way possible. Read more about Pete Sessions Statement on the Fort Hood Shooting

Crime pays - for Palestinian Terrorists


When a Palestinian murders an Israeli or an American in Israel, they can wind up receiving a salary in excess of $40,000 a year, for their crime.

The more serious the crime the more money the criminal receives after going to prison.

Absurd? Yes. True? Yes again.

When a Palestinian Arab terrorist murders an Israeli or an American in Israel, they can wind up receiving a generous salary, in excess of $40,000 a year, for their crime. And if you are a US taxpayer, you are footing part of the tab. Read more about Crime pays - for Palestinian Terrorists

Taking vs. Redistribution

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.” - Alexis De Tocqueville

A March 27th Op-ed in the San Antonio Express News by Nicholas Kristof calls us a “Nation of Takers,” claiming that the US government gives welfare to the wealthy with mortgage tax “subsidies” for the wealthy and lower capital gains taxes as opposed to earned income taxes. Read more about Taking vs. Redistribution

SD-2 Candidate Bob Hall Domestic Abuse and Tax Lien Documents Released


In a recent article in the Dallas Morning News, author Terrence Stutz makes a number of shocking claims about Texas Senate District 2 run-off candidate Bob Hall. Bob Hall is running against incumbent Senator Bob Deuell, M.D. in the May 27th run-off election.

TexasGOPVote acquired the following documents that Terrence Stutz made reference to in the article to show validity to his statements. Read more about SD-2 Candidate Bob Hall Domestic Abuse and Tax Lien Documents Released


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