Obama: Put More Black Kids in Prison Program


Obama has more excuses than he has scandals concerning the myriad of problems in the black community, including the bad behavior of black kids in schools.

In his latest “I hate imperialist white America” action, Obama wants to regulate schools’ disciplinary actions so that penalties are more fair.

In other words, so what black kids behave worse in overwhelming numbers

Farrakhan says things are so bad in America, even electing a black president can’t help black people

I agree with Farrakhan that government is not the solution for blacks, or anybody else. But to not place any blame on Obama, and to blame the problems of “black America” on racism and greed of the past is ridiculous. Read more about Farrakhan says things are so bad in America, even electing a black president can’t help black people

IRS: Laws For Thee, But Not For Me

Every year, millions of Americans across the fruited plains send their tax returns to the IRS. Some claim exemptions so they can keep more of their money; now the IRS wants an exemption of its own.

IRS employees want an exemption from participating in--guess what--ObamaCare. Thats right. The IRS workers have asked for an exemption from ObamaCare. They like their current health plan, and they just want to keep it. Read more about IRS: Laws For Thee, But Not For Me

The Customer is Always Right…Except at Mozilla


I’ve been greatly concerned by Mozilla’s new “cookie clearinghouse” code that will be added to their latest Firefox update. The clearinghouse will automatically engage the 3rd cookie blocker on the browser, which could lead to a massive drop in revenue for internet-based businesses and change the flow of free information on the web.

Mozilla knows that engaging the cookie blocker as a default setting will have a negative effect on internet commerce. Their position is that anyone will be able to disable

Long Border Entry Wait Times Hurt Our Economy

A component of comprehensive immigration reform that too often is overlooked in Washington is the tremendous amount of legal trade flowing across our southern border. Since NAFTA went into effect in 1994, American commerce with Mexico has exploded. Exports to our southern neighbor have increased by over 300 percent, while imports have grown by a remarkable 460 percent. Today, there are more than 6 million American jobs that rely on trade with Mexico, including over 460,000 in Texas, alone. Read more about Long Border Entry Wait Times Hurt Our Economy

Members of Congress and Obamacare


Last week, I visited Young, Throckmorton, Shackelford, Taylor, Stephens, Fisher, and Jones Counties to meet with constituents and talk about what’s on your minds. In many conversations I’ve had, one question has come up: “Congressman, why are you exempt from Obamacare when the rest of us aren’t?” I’d like to answer that question. Read more about Members of Congress and Obamacare

Obama Breaks It Off with Matt Damon


And not since the dalliances of the sex-crazed Warren Beatty have so many Hollyweirdos been so publicly humiliated.

America’s most recent scorned lover is Matt Damon.

The Oscar-winning actor Matt Damon admitted recently that his love affair with Barack Obama is finally over. Read more about Obama Breaks It Off with Matt Damon

Recap of the 2013 Texas Young Republican Federation Convention


The Young Republicans of Texas have a good thing going. After just wrapping up my first YR State Convention as a card-carrying member myself, I am impressed. The first thing that comes to mind in my reflections is the level of sheer continuous activity and opportunity available to us at the convention from check-in Friday evening and check-out Sunday morning.

Is Obama Really A Dunce?


Just in case you missed it, Barack Obama has discovered that Charleston, Savannah and Jacksonville are off the Gulf Coast. So from the President, who once traveled our 57 states during the 2008 elections and noted that Austrians spoke, well, Austrian, and has just found out that the Gulf is now located where the Atlantic Ocean once was, Sarah Palin is supposedly the stupid one?

Leftist Howard Dean wrote, “One major problem is the so-called Independent Payment Advisory Board. The IPAB is essentially

Senator Thinks 2nd Amendment is NOT an ABSOLUTE RIGHT


Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy (D) has a grave misunderstanding of the 2nd Amendment and demonstrated his lack of knowledge recently in front of millions of Americans during a recent interview with Rachel Maddow.

Here’s an excerpt of Murphy’s argument:

“I mean, let’s look at the context of nullification. Nullification was last used


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