Statement by Barry Smitherman in response to USDOJ Challenge to Texas Voter ID Law

AUSTIN – Barry Smitherman, conservative Republican candidate for Texas Attorney General issued the following statement in response to United States Attorney General Eric Holder’s statement that he will challenge Texas Voter ID law:

“Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department continue their unrelenting attacks on the State of Texas, ignoring the facts and the U.S. Supreme Court's recent decision

Dr. Jeffrey Singer: The Man Who Was Treated for $17,000 Less –


Nothing in the world is free, but we’re being told that a lot of expensive health care will be, thanks to ObamaCare. Why would anyone think that this time, government interference will result in anything different?

The savings talked about in this article aren’t an option for anyone eligible for Medicare, because few doctors and virtually no surgical facilities are willing to take their cash since any “provider” who enters into these cash-pay contracts must “opt out” of Medicare for two years.

Jeffrey Singer writes about the benefits of self-pay medicine and the hazards

What we need for victory in 2014 and beyond: Part II

The first three principles of conservatism given by Russell Kirk are belief in an enduring moral order, adherence to custom, convention, and continuity, and belief in what may be called the principle of prescription—that is, of things established by immemorial usage. Readers will recognize how the argument developed here applies to same sex marriage and other threats to tradition. These first three principles may sound stifling, but I will demonstrate how adherence to these principles is the only way self-government can be maintained and liberty protected. Read more about What we need for victory in 2014 and beyond: Part II

Senator Ted Cruz As American As Apple Pie!


Senator Ted Cruz as American as Apple Pie!

Senator Ted Cruz has never hidden the fact that he was born in Canada. But only now that there are rumors that he might make a bid for the Republican nomination for the highest office in the land, the presidency, the media is stirring doubt about his citizenship. Other known facts that he has not kept secret are that his mother was born in America and his father was born in Cuba. Read more about Senator Ted Cruz As American As Apple Pie!

Floating Corpse Greets Congressional Delegation At Mexican Border


A body believed to be that of a Honduran national killed by Mexican drug cartel violence was seen floating in the Rio Grande river as a congressional delegation focused on border security matters visited the Texas/Mexico border.

Congressman Leonard Lance (R-NJ) spoke with the Randolph Reporter and is quoted as having said: “What impressed me in a tragic, negative way was seeing a dead body in the Rio Grande River. Authorities told us it was probably related to drug trafficking.” Read more about Floating Corpse Greets Congressional Delegation At Mexican Border

Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part III – NumbersUSA

FAIR has been successful in manipulating the masses by creating spin-off groups such as NumbersUSA and The Center for Immigration Studies (“CIS”). Most people are unaware of the ties between John Tanton and NumbersUSA’s leader, Roy Beck. However, it was John Tanton’s non-profit organization, US Inc. that spawned NumbersUSA.

Michael Kubosh Fights for Civil and Religious Liberties in the City of Houston


Imagine you or a loved one finds yourself homeless. When one puts themselves in a homeless person's shoes, what's the first thing that usually comes to mind? If you're like me, the first thing that I think of is, how are they going to eat? The second thought that enters my mind is where will they sleep?

So back to that first thought, the food thing. As I've never been homeless, I can imagine that in the city of Houston, lots of homeless people are left to beg on street corners for money to buy food. Others may go into food establishments where they are often turned away by the proprietors of the businesses. Some might even dig through the garbage to find leftovers. There have been cases where this has happened resulting in food poisoning ( so much for protecting the homeless!!) Others might be fortunate enough to have food brought to them by various non-profit groups or religious groups to help stave off hunger pangs. Or at least they used to be that fortunate. Read more about Michael Kubosh Fights for Civil and Religious Liberties in the City of Houston

Texas Senator Campbell draws Early Challenger Novak


Senator Donna Campbell drew the short stick in the Texas Senate and now has to campaign again for her prized Texas Senator’s seat. She won the election in 2012 and ousted embedded incumbent Jeff Wentworth. So here we go again for 2014. This time around she has Mike Novak from San Antonio who is challenging her. As this is early in the campaign, there may be others that come out of the woodwork. The fact that Novak is a Straus cohort should be enough to NOT vote for him. Being associated with Straus may be Novak’s albatross. Read more about Texas Senator Campbell draws Early Challenger Novak

Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part II – FAIR


FAIR was founded in 1979 by Dr. John Tanton. John Tanton is an admitted environmentalist. In the 1960’s and 70’s Tanton served in high ranking positions in Environmentalist organizations such as The Sierra Club and the Michigan Natural Areas Council. Tanton’s concern for the environment led him to advocate “Family Planning” (a.k.a., ABORTION) as means of population control. From 1965 to 1971 Tanton served as organizer and President of Northern Michigan PLANNED PARENTHOOD. John Tanton’s concern for the environment has also fueled his desire to curb immigration.

Below are the backgrounds of FAIR’s Board of Directors and National Board of Advisors.

Controversy Over Gay Ordinance In San Antonio Grows - Are we Followers or just Fans of Christ?


David Ewell speaks about the recording of District 9 City Councilwoman Elisa Chan's comments on homosexuality during the Community Alliance for a United San Antonio event at City Hall in San Antonio on Friday, August 16, 2013. Ewell and his partner of 30 years adopted a six-month-old boy from Cambodia who is now 12-years-old.

Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller voiced his opinion this weekend on the proposed non-discrimination ordinance, leaving the liberals in San Antonio raging and fighting for their rainbow colors. Read more about Controversy Over Gay Ordinance In San Antonio Grows - Are we Followers or just Fans of Christ?


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