FBI Helps Brings Justice For Multiple Child Sex Slaves Across US


Two child sex slavery investigations from across the US led to justice served in the past few days, due in large part to the work of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Each case involved one or more children who were being enslaved on US soil for the purposes of forced child rape for profit.

The two cases occurred in Sioux Falls, South Dakota

The Lies Continue


What if instead of heading toward global warming, we are about to enter another Little Ice Age? The only thing we can say for certain about climate change is how much we don’t know. Forty years ago, scientists were talking about a new Ice Age and two decades later, a new Ice Age has given away to our planet becoming a sweltering furnace and now, we are talking about a little Ice Age, again.

The biggest problem of climate science is how much past history is ignored. The common sense approach would be to study what happened in the past and review the natural events responsible for climate change.

Kountze ISD appeals ruling on cheerleaders' religious banners


Earlier this month, a state district judge ruled in favor of the Kountze High School cheerleaders who displayed banners adorned with Bible verses at their school's football games. The Kountze ISD school district is now fighting back, arguing against its own students and appealing the ruling. Read more about Kountze ISD appeals ruling on cheerleaders' religious banners

Holder Wants a Kiss and Make Up Session With the Media


Eric Holder wants to hold a special "mend the fences" meeting with all of the mainstream news media. He wants the meetings to begin tomorrow and run through the week next week as he plans to divide the news agencies up for the meetings. He is also still wanting to control the tone of the meetings, which means the media cannot ask him any questions about what has happened and why it happened.

The Associated Press and New York Times say they are not interested in attending an off the record briefing.

Americans Have Always Distrusted Government


It should come as no surprise that Barack Obama is a man of the left.

As such, he tends to downplay American exceptionalism and overplay his global worldview. As a partisan politico he has elevated opponent bashing into an art form. But his latest scree against conservatives was historically unhinged. Read more about Americans Have Always Distrusted Government

Mayor Julian Castro and His Gay Agenda


San Antonio City Council Governance Committee
Ivy Taylor District 2, Diego Bernal District 1, Chris Medina District 5, David Medina District 7
CHAIR Mayor Julian Castro May 21, 2013

The lethal tentacle of Obama has hit San Antonio and his name is Julian Castro, mayor of the city and a Catholic. We have all heard the stories of his glorious rise to fame as keynote speaker at the September 2012 Democrat National Convention where he loudly and proudly stood before the delegates and proclaimed

The Regular Session of the 83rd Texas Legislature: The Good, the Bad, and the Neglected

With the regular session of the 83rd Texas Legislature finished, there are a number of decisions made by the current legislature that are positive steps forward for the future of our state. However, there were a number of failures on the legislative front; and important state issues were left unresolved.

On the positive side, most noteworthy was the long overdue recognition by our legislators that “one size doesn’t fit all” when it comes to educating our children. As Chairman of the Texas Workforce Commission, I pushed for greater cooperation among school districts, local community colleges and technical institutes such as Texas State Technical College (TSTC). I am pleased with Sen. Lucio’s bill to prevent high school dropouts through career and technical education

Rep. Farenthold Creates Texas Maritime Caucus

I recently announced the creation of the Texas Maritime Caucus, which I will co-chair with Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson from the 30th Congressional district of Texas.

The Caucus’ mission will be to promote Texas ports and waterway districts, illustrate the importance of the ports and waterways to areas of the state and nation beyond the Gulf of Mexico, and advocate for changes in current law to facilitate optimal import and export of cargo and the transportation of passengers. Read more about Rep. Farenthold Creates Texas Maritime Caucus

Senator Cornyn Stands Up Against Obama's Recess Appointments


This week I filed an amicus brief in the United States Supreme Court challenging (Noel Canning v. NLRB) the constitutionality of President Obama’s January 2012 “recess” appointments to the National Labor Relations Board. President Obama jammed through appointees that he knew the Senate would not support, in an unprecedented power grab. Read more about Senator Cornyn Stands Up Against Obama's Recess Appointments

Clear Lake Tea Party to Host Immigration Debate June 6th


Clear Lake Tea Party Immigration Reform DebateAs the debate on immigration reform rages on in Washington D.C., the Clear Lake Tea Party (CLTP) has decided to bring the debate closer to home and will host its own event on Thursday, June 6th. The event will be based on a structured debate featuring TexasGOPVote news contributors, Linda Vega and Bob Price, versus South Texas Alliance President, George Rodriquez and Texans for Immigration Reduction and Enforcement President Larry Korkmas. Read more about Clear Lake Tea Party to Host Immigration Debate June 6th


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