Cornyn Introduces Amendment to Achieve Immigration Reform with RESULTS

Today I unveiled the Requiring Enforcement, Security and safety while Upgrading Lawful Trade and travel Simultaneously (RESULTS) Amendment to the immigration bill, and authored an Op-Ed on the amendment in the Dallas Morning News. Click here for a summary of the amendment.

Immigration Reform with RESULTS

Democrats Poised to Kill Immigration Reform in Senate - Poe Shows Republican Leadership in House


Democrats Continue to Dangle the Carrot of Immigration ReformOnce again, the Democrat Party is about to prove they are not at all interested in actually solving our nations immigration problem. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) admitted yesterday morning on Fox and Friends that the bill he and the "Gang of Eight" developed with bi-partisan support is about to die because the Democrats wont support the bill. Between opposition from unions and other minority groups and the Democrats desire to use immigration as a wedge issue rather than solving the problem, there simply are not enough votes in the Senate to overcome a cloture vote. Just as when the Democrats killed the DREAM Act in 2010, Hispanic voters have yet again been deceived by Democrats who continue to dangle the carrot of immigration reform while never intending to deliver on the promises. Read more about Democrats Poised to Kill Immigration Reform in Senate - Poe Shows Republican Leadership in House

When the IRS Isn’t Targeting Conservatives…


They’re demonstrating line dancing techniques, at a cost of $1,600. I wish that were a joke, but it isn’t. A report being released this week shows that this frivolous video was just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to wasteful spending by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Between 2010 and 2012, the IRS spent $50 million to hold at least 220 employee conferences.

OB/GYN Who Performed Over 1200 Abortions Tells Congress to Ban Them


Since Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided in 1973, over 55 million babies have been aborted.

55 million little lives sacrificed on the alter of convenience. 55 million would-be mothers bearing an ungodly burden of having made a God-like decision to kill their unborn infants.

As written in The Pro-Life Action League:

Dr. Anthony Levatino has practiced obstetrics and gynecology since 1980. As a part of his medical training, Dr. Levatino was taught to do abortions. He provided abortions for his patients in his office for eight years. In 1985 he quit doing abortions and is now in private practice as an obstetrician gynecologist.

It's Worse If It's True

When confronting questions about the handling of Benghazi by the State Department, the Justice Department-AP scandal, and the IRS-Tea Party scandal, President Obama has said repeatedly he only became aware of the problems through media reports. The most frightening part about all three of these scandals is that the President might be telling the truth about how he learned of them. Read more about It's Worse If It's True

Summer Agenda in Congress


The next four weeks will be busy in Washington. Starting this week, the House of Representatives will begin discussing appropriations for the 2014 fiscal year. This is how Congress pays the government’s bills each year. The appropriations bills follow the framework laid out in the annual budget process. You can read more about that process here. This year, I voted for the Path to Prosperity—Congressman Paul Ryan’s budget plan that reduces spending by $4.6 trillion and balances the budget in ten years. As we consider the appropriations bills this year, I’ll be very vocal about making sure we stay within the guidelines passed in the Path to Prosperity.

Court Rejects Federal Government’s “Ludicrous” Emergency Rule on Red Snapper Fishing

AUSTIN — Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott issued the following statement after a federal district judge overturned a federal emergency rule that attempted to punish certain states – Texas, Louisiana and Florida - by shortening the red snapper recreational fishing season in federal waters in the Gulf of Mexico off the states’ coasts:

“This is the latest example of the federal government getting slapped down for illegal, overreaching regulations.

The Jonathan Turley Manifesto


Jonathan Turley is a left wing constitutional scholar, but recently in the Washington Post, he wrote a piece on the bureaucratic state that any conservative could have written and a searing indictment of the progressive movement as a political ideal. Turley shows how the bureaucratic state is threatening our liberty, which he calls the fourth branch of government. Read more about The Jonathan Turley Manifesto

Surviving Obamacare


I hosted Town Hall Meetings this week in Rockport, Aransas Pass, and Luling. In addition to concerns about Attorney General Eric Holder’s snooping on reporters, the IRS targeting conservative groups, the ongoing investigation of the attacks on our Benghazi consulate and Immigration reform, one of the top concerns expressed at the meetings was how families, individuals, and businesses are going to survive ObamaCare. Read more about Surviving Obamacare

Silvio Canto, Jr. and Sonja Harris Discuss Immigration


Since the immigration reform discussion began, opinions have been flying like the speed of lightening, including the thunder. I made my radio show debut on the Silvio Canto, Jr show to discuss immigration reform on May 1, 2013. Our discussion focused on the guest worker program,


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