
Opponents of the ban on straight-ticket voting said they’re worried Ron Simmon’s bill will lead to lower voter turnout.
Steel and iron producers in Texas are hoping that before the legislative session ends this month, lawmakers will approve a bill prohibiting the use of cheaper foreign steel in taxpayer-funded construction unless a certain...
Lawmakers in the House have one week to tentatively pass Senate Bills out of the lower chamber. Time is running out for the 85th Texas legislative session. There are a few key issues we're watching today — here's what to...
The following article was originally published on Texas Believes.At the core of his faith, The Reverend Doctor Larry Bethune is guided by the strong belief that “God loves all people and loves all people equally.”...
For the past 35 years, TAASA has been the voice for sexual assault survivors in Texas. I wish I was here today to speak about one of the solid, victim-centered bills currently proposed in the legislature.
I supported the passage of H.R. 244, which funds the federal government through the end of the 2017 fiscal year, and includes funding for several education programs and priorities important to Texas:Education...
Democratic activists have a "brilliant" idea (not) to give us a state income tax. To be clear, none of the current major taxes go away and why should they? Paternal government knows better than you, so we need to give them...
San Antonio has a great opportunity to elect a man of action, integrity and leadership. Patrick von Dohlen is campaigning to win a seat on the San Antonio city council for District 9. He and his family are active...
The real fact of the matter is that these bills won’t do anything. Who is going to police it – are you going to have a police officer standing outside every restroom? And a criminal is going to do criminal things, period....
As the Texas Senate was getting down to work on the “bathroom bill,” Dr. Steve Hotze, an anti-gay activist and longtime business partner of Lt. Gov.
I’m a politically conservative Christian. Six years ago, God blessed my husband and me with a beautiful daughter. Like all parents, we want to do everything we can to keep her safe.
Overall, 39 percent of Texans said it’s important for the Legislature to pass a bathroom law,while 51 percent said it’s not important. While 24 percent rated passing a law “very important,” 38 percent said it is “not at all...
My daughter Kai is six years old. She also happens to be transgender. (As a lifelong Conservative Christian, this turn in the road came as a huge surprise, and you can read more about that here.)
I supported the passage of H.R. 244, which funds the federal government through the end of the 2017 fiscal year, and appropriates funding to several transportation programs important to Texas:
Apparently taking a page from the playbook of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, Gov. Greg Abbott has called on the pastors of megachurches across the state asking for their help in passing the bathroom bill, according to the sermon of a...
I supported the passage of the Omnibus Appropriations bill, which funds the federal government through the end of the 2017 fiscal year, and includes funding for several Department of Justice programs and priorities important...
A patron of an Arlington, Texas, restaurant who is licensed to carry a concealed handgun pulled his weapon and shot a gunman shortly who had just killed the store manager. The assailant and manager died from their wounds at...
Police are searching for a motive in a stabbing attack at the University of Texas at Austin that left one student dead and three others hurt. Armed with a "bowie-style" hunting knife, witnesses and police say a student "...
As a lifelong Republican and as a Texas business leader, I’m asking the Texas Legislature to make the common-sense choice for our state: oppose discriminatory legislation that takes us backwards.
There’s no place like Texas, and the Senate’s April recess was a great opportunity for me to visit many parts of our great state. In just a few weeks, I was able to meet with hundreds of Texans in ten cities. Here are a few...



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