
In a changing world full of danger, the greatest threat to the United States and the rest of the world remains the same--the Iranian regime.This was once again demonstrated through the words of Iran's Supreme Leader...
The most recent collapse of the tedious and tiresome diplomatic kabuki theater commonly known as the Israeli- Palestinian peace process was wholly predictable.Once again Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has...
$12. In Nigeria, $12 is the cost of a bride slave. Recently, around 200 girls went to school and never came home. They were kidnapped and, for $12 apiece, sold to the Islamic militant terrorist group Boko Haram. They were...
I applaud Israel’s consideration to withhold tax revenue from the Palestinian Authority equal to what the Palestinian’s pay convicted terrorists in Israeli prisons. Clearly the Palestinian Authority has money to burn if they...
It has been 19 months since terrorists stormed the American consulate in Benghazi. Four Americans were murdered. Today, their killers still roam free somewhere in Libya. Why have none of them been apprehended?Meanwhile, back...
I urge U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to call on Congolese officials to immediately resume stalled international adoptions impacting hundreds of families in the United States:Hundreds of American families—including a...
Here are some of the latest on the climate change debate showing once again that the theory that humanity causing the end of our planet is disintegrating.Anyone observing this debate knows that global warming has slowed over...
On Saturday, April 26th, the Dallas Passport Agency will be hosting “Passport Day.” If you plan to travel outside of the U.S., the agency will provide all of the relevant information you need to know regarding travel...
Yuri Maltsev, an adviser to Mikhail Gorbachev’s government, tells the story of his defection to the U.S., and relates stories from his life in the Soviet Union.While at Moscow State University, he received special permission...
When a Palestinian murders an Israeli or an American in Israel, they can wind up receiving a salary in excess of $40,000 a year, for their crime.The more serious the crime the more money the criminal receives after going to...
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) witnessed first-hand the compassion of the Israeli military toward the victims of the tragic on-going civil war in Syria. Senator Cruz is concluding a fact-finding tour of Israel, Ukraine, and Poland...
If reports that Iran is sending Chlorine gas canisters to the Assad regime in Syria are accurate, it reaffirms concerns that the Iranians will go to any lengths to protect their puppet in Damascus. There is already strong...
With each passing day, President Obama’s foreign policy looks more like a case study in the perils of weakness, naivete and indecision. From the Middle East to the Far East, from South America to the South China Sea, the...
Two weeks ago, I traveled to Ukraine. It was a sobering experience as I saw firsthand the situation on the ground. Our country must do more to let our friends in the Ukraine know that we support them and want to help protect...
Senator Mark Udall and I introduced a bipartisan resolution today commemorating Cinco de Mayo. The resolution recognizes the historical significance of the 1862 Battle of Puebla and highlights the courage of Mexican forces...
Obama may have a pen and a phone, but the phone is “man down.” Obama is finding out the hard way that the phone works both ways, and the guy on the other doesn’t have to answer. {face palm} Obama’s administration is so...
The White House quietly announced that President Obama signed Senator Ted Cruz’s anti-terrorist ambassador bill into law. The bill was written to prevent the admission into the United States, any representative to the...
Last week, Brandeis University reversed its decision to award Ayaan Hirsi Ali an honorary degree for her women’s rights work, and withdrew her commencement speaking invitation.Reason given: some of her past statements are “...
If anyone shed the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; For in the image of God has man been made. Genesis 9:6 Christians we should take...
Today, I issued the following statement on H.R. 4278, the Ukraine Support Act, which passed the House with overwhelming bipartisan support. This legislation includes both sanctions against Russia and support measures for...



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