
An unprecedented event occurred this week. “America’s Pastor”, the Reverend Billy Graham, came out in advertisements all over this great Nation encouraging people of all walks to vote for Biblical values, clearly supporting...
As our “mother of all elections” nears, it is our right—no, it is our duty, to do all we can to get this bunch of Chicago-mob-educated crooks moved from Washington, D.C. to Leavenworth, Kansas.Many ask, “What can I...
When was the last time you heard a group like the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops unequivocally call out a sitting Vice President for lying on national TV? Responding to Biden's cavalier remark that no one would...
Mitt Romney released a Republican bombshell on Saturday, August 11 in Norfolk, Virginia. Romney’s announcement, that Congressman Paul Ryan would be his running mate, hit the Liberals like a lightening jolt.
Last week, two huge victories were achieved by individual action. One, of course, was the victory of Ted Cruz over David Dewhurst for US Senate. This win is being attributed to money from outside groups, to Dewhurst's...
I began pondering the concept of ethics as it relates to politics this last week and immediately the old adage “power corrupts” came to my mind. A short Google search revealed that the phrase is attributed to one Lord Acton...
"Fight and organize; fight and moralize" One of the Cristeros mottos have been so many movies that have disappointed me in the...
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When NASCAR driver Blake Koch joined with his sponsor, Rise Up and Register, he thought he could have a positive impact on the 2012 elections by registering one million NASCAR fans to vote.
The Texas Faith and Freedom Coalition sponsored a Texas Rally for Faith and Freedom in Sugar Land, Texas Saturday, March 10th, at Sugar Creek Baptist Church.This was a fantastic event with over 500 grassroots activists,...
Change will not come if we wait for some other person or if we wait for some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek. Barack Obama – February 5, 2008THE MANY FACES OF OBAMAWho is...
"Politics is important. How we vote in November will help choose the course for our nation, for good or ill. But as Christians, our story began long before this campaign season. It will continue long after."  - Archbishop...
Joe Biden said in his debate with Paul Ryan that Obamacare would not force any religious institution to violate their faith. Paul Ryan replied by asking why then is the Catholic Church suing you over Obamacare forcing them...
We have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious Hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these...
UPDATE: The shooter had been volunteering at a community center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people (LGBT), according to the Associated Press. The Gunman is identified as Floyd Lee...
 Wednesday is Eat At Chick-Fil-A Day!Hundreds of thousands of people will go support Chick-Fil-A Wednesday, August 1st, 2012.They will be going to Chick Fil A to support freedom ofsSpeech and also to support Christian values...
A Farmer gets up early one morning, goes to his barn, feeds and hitches his mule, then goes to plow his field. He works all day but at the end of the day, he has only plowed half of the field. He takes his mule back into the...
The dictionary’s definition of the word delusion is: False representation, error, or mistake preceding from false views.Politically correct speech is an assault on our freedom of speech. We must have freedom of speech in... must stand up for Religious Freedom because our First Amendment is under direct attack. A STAND UP for Religious Freedom Rally will take place throughout the United States on Friday...
Below is one of the best, in-depth articles I have seen regarding President Obama's hostility toward the Bible and Religion (except for Islam of course). It is from By David Barton of Wallbuilders ...
Genesis 2:25 v Genesis 3:7 Taken from on line dictionary SHAME: a negative emotion that combines feelings of dishonor, unworthiness, and embarrassment SHAMELESS: untroubled or unaffected by shame, especially in situations...



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