John Cornyn

Recently on the floor, I discussed my record of service for Texans and expressed my gratitude for continuing to represent the Lone Star State.
It's been over seven months since COVID-19 fundamentally changed Texans’ lives. Seven long months – and longer for some.But what was true in March is still true today, which is that when the going gets tough, you can always...
I look forward to advocating on behalf of the nearly 40% of Texans who identify as Hispanic for a national museum that highlights their American experience.
He's not only not a friend of the industry. He's not a friend of the people who count on the domestic energy industry for their jobs, the hundreds of thousands of people.
The Senate had the opportunity to pass a bill with half a trillion dollars in additional relief for workers, schools, small businesses, and vaccine research. No controversial positions, nothing ‘Republican’ or ‘Democrat’...
We already passed $3.8 trillion worth of COVID-19 relief, and I believe we do need to do some more. That's why I was disappointed when Senate Democrats voted to block another half trillion dollar bill on September the 10th...
Today on Fox News’ Fox and Friends, I discussed the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court and COVID-19 precautions in place in the hearing room...
I’ve spent this year talking with Texas families and businesses and they have all let me know another COVID-19 relief package is desperately needed.
Yesterday I received the Congressional Management Foundation’s top award to Congress for outstanding constituent service.
I’m glad Speaker Pelosi finally recognizes how critical our airline workers are both to Texas and to the nation. Ensuring Texas airline workers can keep their jobs will help keep air travel safe and protect this vital sector...
veterans day
Dear Fellow Texans:Please join me this Veterans Day in honoring the men and women who have served our nation in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Lance Corporal Rhonald Dain Rairdan represented the best of Texas, with his strong commitment to serving his neighbors and by always putting others before himself. I am proud to join my fellow Texans in honoring him this way...
In response to a surge of COVID-19 cases in El Paso, recently I called Assistant Secretary of Defense Kenneth Rapuano to request he open the William Beaumont Army Medical Center to relieve pressure on El Paso area medical...
Yesterday I celebrated the announcement that Mexico will fulfill its water delivery obligations to Texas in compliance with the 1944 U.S.-Mexico Water Treaty. 
From an operational perspective, the addition of such a uniquely capable and stalwart partner, like Australia, to this naval exercise is invaluable, providing increased interoperability, strengthening threat assessment...
Recently on Fox News’ Special Report with Bret Baier, I discussed the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, the Judiciary Committee’s response to recent accusations of social media...
Yesterday I delivered the following opening remarks during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Yesterday I presented seven military medals to Larry Wilkinson honoring the service of his late father, SGT Sam Wilkinson.
El Paso POE
DHS has provided little public insight into how it weighed the costs and benefits of these extended travel restrictions. We worry the longer lines at ports of entry and inability to social distance in pedestrian lanes may...
As we increasingly depend on digital communication to work, learn, and stay connected, we must not leave those without access to broadband in the dark.This bill will help bridge the digital divide and ensure Texans have...



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