Cornyn Highlights National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day

As drug abuse worsens in Texas, we all have a responsibility to do what we can to fight this epidemic in our communities. I encourage all Texans to take back their unused, unwanted, or expired prescription drugs to your local designated take-back spot tomorrow to promote safer homes and safer communities.

On National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, individuals can bring their unused, unwanted, and expired prescription drugs to more than 5,800 designated locations, including more than 300 locations in Texas, to dispose of them safely and responsibly. 

I introduced the Secure and Responsible Drug Disposal Act of 2010, now law, to give the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) flexibility to build out drug take-back programs across the country and enable drug take-backs every day at more convenient locations, such as local pharmacies, and without needing law enforcement present. 


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