Rep. Jackson Backs Major Infrastructure Bill Benefitting TX-13

I signed on as an original co-sponsor to the Ports-to-Plains Highway Act of 2021, sponsored by Congressmen Jodey Arrington (TX-19) and Henry Cuellar (TX-28). This legislation would designate Interstate 27 as a route on the federal Interstate Highway system, specifically benefitting TX-13 by paving the way for I-27’s extension through the Texas Panhandle.

I promised to advocate for policies that are pro-growth, pro-worker, and pro-American when I came to Congress. The Ports-to-Plains Highway Act of 2021 is a perfect example of those policy goals as it would add 178,600 construction jobs and $17.2 billion to Texas’ GDP. In the long term, expanding and modernizing I-27 through the Texas Panhandle will promote growth by connecting rural areas to the federal Interstate Highway system, strengthen avenues for trade which is particularly advantageous for TX-13’s agriculture industry, increase safety, and save billions in travel costs.

I will continue to fight for Texas’ agriculture priorities through my work as Co-Chair of the Texas Agriculture Task Force.

Over 70 entities representing nearly one million Texans endorse the interstate designation, including the Amarillo Chamber of Commerce, Amarillo Economic Development Corporation, Amarillo Metropolitan Planning Organization, the cities of Amarillo, Canyon, Dalhart, and Dumas, Valero Energy, and more.


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