Sessions Introduces Resolution to Protect Americans with Pre-Existing Conditions

I introduced H. Res. 1089 to ensure that any healthcare plan crafted by Congress to replace Obamacare would protect patients with pre-existing conditions from high costs and limited health insurance options. 

It is painfully obvious that Obamacare has failed the American people. From sky-rocketing premiums to failed markets, this one-size fits all so-called plan has not accomplished any of the lofty goals Democrats promised it would. In my healthcare plan, I made sure to preserve patient protections, especially ones to prevent anyone from discriminating against patients with pre-existing conditions. To cement these protections, I proudly introduced this resolution to ensure that patients with pre-existing conditions are protected from the erroneously high costs and the limited options they are experiencing now. I am glad to lead my colleagues in this effort to fight for those who need it most and ensure their access to affordable and high-quality healthcare.

Read the full text of H. Res. 1089 here.  


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