SBOE Member Charlie Garza Needs Our Help!
Today I am joining Texas State Representative Wayne Christian in his request to assist Charlie Garza SBOE District 1 from El Paso. Garza is being considered for the position of Texas Education Commissioner. As Wayne Christian explains, Governor Rick Perry is the key person appointing the next TE Commissioner. Garza is a trusted conservative who will see that our values reflect the principles needed in our Texas education system. There is no need for me to mention the fact that our education system needs an enormous amount of help and I believe Garza is a step in the right direction.
Others are also being considered who may not be the ‘conservative’ we want to represent us. Interested individuals who may be competing with Garza for the position are Roberto Duron, formerly with the San Antonio Independent School District; State Representative Rob Eissler, from District 15; and Sandy Kress, key architect of ‘No Child Left Behind. Roberto Duron resigned his post as Superintendent of the SAISD after receiving a less than favorable rating. Duron, with all his baggage, is currently the commissioner for finance/administration at Texas Education Agency. State Representative Eissler, who just lost in the primary to Tea Party favorite Steve Toth, was appointed as Chairman of the Public Education Committee by Speaker of the House Joe Straus. Kress, who was the key architect of Bush’s ‘No Child Left Behind,’ stated his belief that the current administration ‘initiatives’ in his view were ‘major’ and good in a June 2009 interview. Kress, in an April, 2011 interview in the New York Daily News, also stated his belief that “No Child Left Behind does indeed need to be fixed and updated, but it would be a classic case of throwing the baby out with the bath water to abandon its pillars of accountability. Yet this is precisely what the administration is proposing to do.”
Charlie Garza, discussing education with me, said, “One size fits all does not work and is an example of federalism at its worst and is tearing at the very fiber of the 10th Amendment.” Understandably, we respect Governor Rick Perry’s judgment, but I am asking you to please contact the Governor’s Office and tell them that Charlie Garza is the conservative we want as the next Texas Education Commissioner.
SAISD and Duron split amusing
Q&A with Sandy Kress, key architect of No Child Left Behind
An Interview with Sandy Kress: Reflecting on No Child Left Behind
WAYNE CHRISTIAN notes Friends,
As I am sure you are aware, many important decisions that affect you as a Texan are made by our states regulatory and oversight agencies. Your Governor appoints the heads of these agencies, who in turn have tremendous impact on key policy decisions.
On July 2nd, current Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott will resign from his post, creating an opening at the top of the vitally important Texas Education Agency.
I am writing you today to introduce you to a candidate for the Texas Education Commissioner appointment, Charlie Garza, and encourage you to let the Governor know that he is the conservative choice! Below are two videos of Charlie and I discussing the State Board of Education, of which he is currently a member, and also Charlies unique and truly inspiring life story. I have also included a written biography of Charlies life of public service and personal achievements.
I encourage all conservatives across the state to call the Governors office at 1-800-252-9600, and either leave a recorded message or speak directly with someone, to let the Governor know that Charlie Garza is the conservative choice for the next Texas Education Commissioner.
Carlos "Charlie" Garza comes from a background of extreme poverty. The core values that define him are a solid work ethic, dedication, perseverance, and service to his country.
Charlies life journey began in Harlingen, Texas, where he was the youngest of nineteen children, including half-brothers and half-sisters. At the age of seven, Charlies father lost his life to leukemia; the family was forced to turn to migrant farm work as a means of economic survival.
Charlie, a proud Harlingen High School graduate, earned a nomination from U.S. Senator John Tower to the U.S. Naval Academy, but opted instead to enlist and become a member of the elite submarine community where he accumulated 110 months of Total Operational Submarine Service. His major assignments included USS FRANCIS SCOTT KEY, Navy Recruiting Command, and the Commissioning Crew of USS TENNESSEE and the USS GREENEVILLE.
Additionally, Charlie served on both the staff of The Commander (Submarine Force Pacific Fleet) and The Commander (Submarine Force Atlantic Fleet). He earned fifty-four letters of commendation, six Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals, and the Navy Commendation Medal. As the SUBPAC training officer, he instituted a program that saved the Navy 30 million dollars over a three year period. His most arduous collateral duty assignment was as a Casualty Assistance Calls Officer where he served as the liaison for the Secretary of the Navy when a member of the Navy suffers death in the service of our country.
Charlies collegiate career included many accolades including President, Student Government Association; President, Texas Junior College Texas Student Government Association; and President of the Debate Team. He also distinguished himself by earning recognition to the Deans List, The National Deans List, and the National Whos Who Among Students.
Garza earned his undergraduate degree from Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, and completed all but his thesis at Eastern Connecticut State University, earned a Masters Degree from Old Dominion University, worked on his doctoral degree at George Washington University, and completed his course work for his superintendence at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP). He is currently a doctoral student at UTEP. Throughout his career, Charlie has been dedicated to public service and giving back to his community. His service has been honored with a nomination as the U.S. Undersecretary of Homeland Security (Management), National Congressional Committee Republican of the Year, and the National Hispanic Image Award (twice). He attended the National Hispanic Leadership Summit four times and was nominated for the Golden Rule Award.
Since his retirement from the military, Charlie has dedicated his life to improving education for children. He was selected four times to the National Whos Who Among Teachers (four times), Youth Advocate of the Year, Best Student Role Model, and coach of the Virginia High School League Debate State Champions.
Presently in his seventh year as an assistant principal in the Clint Independent School District, Charlies goal is to provide the same opportunities he was provided as a child, so all children will be given the opportunity to succeed.
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