Senator Donna Campbell Texas SD-25
In case you were not aware, Senator Donna Campbell, a double board certified physician in emergency room care and ophthalmology, has an opponent in the November election. He is Daniel Boone, the perpetual liberal whose only purpose is to occupy the ‘Democrat’ space on the ballot. He is promoting himself as a 'moderate' which of course he is not. So while Boone’s only reason is to have someone, anyone running for the Democrats, Senator Campbell has been extremely busy working for the people in Texas Senate District 25.
She takes our Constitution seriously and has been courageous in dealing with situations as the border crisis and the Texas budget. Senator Campbell is vice chair of the Nominations Committee and sits on several committees which include Education, Jurisprudence, Transportation, and Veteran Affairs & Military Installations. She is also part of the Texas Sunset Commission and Legislative Advisory Council to the Southern Regional Education Board.
As a fiscal conservative she wants to ensure Fiscal Responsibility by
1. Ending diversions and accounting tricks
2. Cutting spending
3. Limiting the size of government
Tim Lambert, Chairman of the Texas Home School Coalition Association, stated that, “Senator Campbell was absolutely instrumental in the fight for parental rights during the legislative session and conservatives in Texas are indebted to her for her efforts on their behalf.”
Senator Campbell took a whipped cream pie to the face for the Fully Rely on God foundation. Its main purpose is to Whip Childhood Cancer. Lenzie Davis runs the FROG foundation in memory of her son, Jaxon who died of brain cancer. Senator Campbell plays a huge role in defending the unborn and was influential in making sure that women seeking an abortion would have safe surgical conditions.
The very progressive Express News did not endorse anyone for SD25 and actually stated that “none will provide the representation the district needs to advance economic development.” What this means is Bexar County wants to continue to spend its way to bankruptcy. Senator Campbell stands on principle and I sincerely doubt the Liberals in San Antonio like that about her.
Senator Campbell was elected in 2012 with a strong 65.59% district vote. She needs and wants your support and your vote this November. Remember to Keep Texas Red by voting Campbell!
Pray, Fight, NEVER GIVE UP!
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