Texas Senator Campbell draws Early Challenger Novak
Senator Donna Campbell drew the short stick in the Texas Senate and now has to campaign again for her prized Texas Senator’s seat. She won the election in 2012 and ousted embedded incumbent Jeff Wentworth. So here we go again for 2014. This time around she has Mike Novak from San Antonio who is challenging her. As this is early in the campaign, there may be others that come out of the woodwork. The fact that Novak is a Straus cohort should be enough to NOT vote for him. Being associated with Straus may be Novak’s albatross.
Senator Campbell is a fiscal and social conservative and proved that in the short time she has been in the Texas Senate. She is definitely not afraid to stand for what she believes is right for Texas and what is right for SD25. She has a vision for Texas that welcomes a strong economy which will create jobs and prosperity for our Texas families. She understands the importance of a limited and efficient government providing for infrastructure, which is transportation, something that she is already working on, our critical water situation and a good education for every student. She supported the legislation HB5 that will put high school students on a pathway to receiving a diploma and finding work as a skilled employee.
She co authored SJR1
Proposing a constitutional amendment to provide for the transfer of certain general revenue to the economic stabilization fund, to provide for the transfer of certain general revenue to the state highway fund and the dedication of that revenue, and to authorize the payment of the principal and interest on certain highway improvement bonds from certain general revenue transferred to the state highway fund. http://www.legis.state.tx.us/tlodocs/832/billtext/pdf/SJ00001E.pdf#navpa...
Relating to the punishment for a capital felony committed by an individual younger than 18 years of age.
It was Senator Campbell’s third point of order that stopped Wendy Davis’ filibuster. It was also Senator Campbell who strongly supported HB2 legislation that ends abortions after 20 weeks. Governor Rick Perry signed HB2 into law making it a historic victory for the unborn in Texas and marked the end of a bitter battle with Planned Parenthood and other abortionists. Having personally heard Mayor Julian Castro and other Democrats at a rally in San Antonio on July 11 with the Planned Parenthood bus tour, I can tell you that Senator Campbell has been targeted by Planned Parenthood and all those in the ‘culture of death’ for her courageous stance on Life.
Senator Campbell received recognition from the Texas Conservative Coalition by honoring her with the award of Courageous Conservative 2013.
Jon Oliver a spokesman from her office told the Express n News, “Senator Campbell has accomplished exactly what the people of San Antonio and Central Texas elected her to do. She has boosted funding for roads while opposing taxes and tolls, improved our schools with real education reforms, and passed meaningful pro-life and Second Amendment legislation. I am confident the people of District 25 will overwhelmingly re-elect her on the strength of this record.”
Senator Campbell is an emergency room doctor and works long hours as she does as our SD25 senator. She prides herself in listening to her patients and to her constituents. Novak on the other hand was a Bexar County commissioner from 1995 – 1998. He never again was elected to any other elected office even though he campaigned in 1998. In fact, he has enjoyed the leisure of being an appointee, or served as a volunteer in his public service.
Senator Campbell deserves our loyalty and our gratitude and our vote in 2014. Please go to her website and volunteer to help. She will also be hosting some Town Hall meetings and invites her supporters to ‘come visit’.
Hollywood Park City Hall
August 17, 10:00am
San Marcos Activity Center
August 17, 1:00pm
Christ Presbyterian Church
September 9, 1:00pm
Sen. Campbell Votes for Roads, Boost in Highway Funding Passes
Commissioner Mike Novak of San Antonio was nominated for appointment by House Speaker Joe Straus and appointed by Governor Rick Perry in December 2011 for a term to expire January 31, 2013. Commissioner Novak is founder and CEO of Novak Group LLC, a premier construction management and energy solutions firm, and has more than 30 years of industry experience in construction management. http://www.tfc.state.tx.us/newsevents/pressrelease-novak.pdf
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