Fox News

Dean Murray, Tea Party activist, has been elected to the New York state assembly!According to Fox News:
"Generation Zero," was featured during the Citizens United Film Festival at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference 2010. "Generation Zero" gives an inside look into the financial meltdown of September 18, 2008....
According to a Public Policy Polling nationwide survey, Fox News is the most trusted news network. The survey found that 49 percent of Americans trust Fox News, which is 10 percentage points higher than any other network....
Obama may not like Fox News, but Fox News likes Obama... well at least is thankful for him:
Sean Hannity devoted an entire hour to focus on the new film, "Generation Zero." This movie has raised some controversy as it completely refutes the popular notion that massive deregulation and failed capitalism caused the...
In a question and answer session with the Senate Democrats yesterday, Obama gave his colleagues some odd advice.
The Massachusetts Senate Race is heating up! Sean Hannity and his show guests talked about it on Fox News the other night. Here is an overview:Michael Barone, Senior Political Analyst for the Washington Examiner:
Seems like the White House just can't stop campaigning! Now they seem to think they need to spend their time attacking Fox News! No wonder they aren't governing!White House Communications Director Anita Dunn is leading the...



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