Reid Bill
January 5th, 2010
Nebraska's Senator Ben "gimme-a-hand-out-and-I'll-do-anything" Nelson has asked South Carolina's GOP Attorney General Henry McMaster to "call off the dogs." McMaster is leading thirteen Republican state attorneys general who...
December 27th, 2009
Sherman Frederick, publisher of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, wrote the following column to Senator Harry Reid on Christmas morning:
December 23rd, 2009
I raised a Point of Order on the Senate floor along with Senator Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, today regarding the possible violation of Senate rules in refusing to disclose a list of the earmarks included in the Reid health care...
December 11th, 2009
I issued the following statement today after CMS Chief Actuary Rick Foster released his analysis of the latest version of the Reid health care bill last night:
November 20th, 2009
Senate Majority Leader Reid hopes to have this bill done by Christmas. This is nothing but a disaster waiting to explode!
December 28th, 2009
Ten of the nineteen Republican state attorneys general have signed on to provide a legal analysis of the "constitutionality of a controversial provision in the Senate bill and to explore potential legal challenges."
December 24th, 2009
Senator Harry Reids health care bill passed the Senate today in what Obama calls "the most important piece of social legislation since Social Security passed in the 1930s."Ironically,
December 17th, 2009
I spoke on the Senate floor today to again remind Americans of the stark difference in the promises made by the Obama Administration on health care reform and the reality they will face if the budget-busting, 2,074 page Reid...
December 10th, 2009
Republicans opposed to government-run healthcare reform are now being likened to those who defended slavery in the 19th century! Seriously?!
November 19th, 2009
Just like the House health care bill before the addition of the Stupak/Pitts Amendment, the Senate health care bill will levy a new "abortion premium" fee on Americans