
Obama’s Cairo Speech vs His ‘No Strategy Yet’ Speech

Pres. Obama: 'We Don't Have a Strategy Yet' to Fight ISIS

Obama gave his now infamous Cairo speech on June 4, 2009, and I wrote my thoughts on his ‘New Beginning’ speech on June 9. After listening to Obama give his ‘no strategy yet’ speech of just a few days ago, I thought it time to compare his ‘no strategy yet’ speech with his ‘new beginning’ Cairo speech.

Congressman Ted Poe's August Update

I hope y'all are enjoying the last few weeks of summer as August draws to a close and a new school year begins (and of course, a new football season too). This month, I’ve traveled across our district meeting with constituents and hearing about what’s on your minds.

Unsurprisingly, nearly everyone has voiced concerns with the crisis at the border and rightfully so.

Seize The Opportunities That Come With Each Academic Year

It’s back to school time and last week as I dropped my daughter Caroline off at her first day of first grade, I remembered the excitement that a new school year brings.

I wanted to give a message to our students: seize the opportunities that come with each academic year. Whether you’re starting kindergarten or finishing college, it’s an opportunity: an opportunity to work hard, attain new skills, and discover talents. Read more about Seize The Opportunities That Come With Each Academic Year

Meeting with National Utility Contractors Association


On Tuesday I met with representatives from the National Utility Contractors Association (NUCA) to talk about the importance of improving conditions in underground infrastructures across the United States. We also discussed the negative effects of burdensome regulations to which member companies are subject and how these regulations are hindering their growth. I always value listening to the concerns of local members of the business community and discussing my efforts to ensure their businesses can grow and thrive. Read more about Meeting with National Utility Contractors Association

Russian Troops in Ukraine


If NATO reports prove accurate that Putin has in fact sent over 1,000 troops into Ukraine to support and fight alongside Russian-backed separatists, this is an act of war against the sovereign state of Ukraine.

This alleged invasion follows Putin’s aggressive armament of Russian-backed separatists, located in Eastern Ukraine's disputed territory, that resulted in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 and killed hundreds of civilians last month.

The President needs to definitively state whether or not Russia has invaded Ukraine and immediately condemn this overt escalation of an already serious conflict. Read more about Russian Troops in Ukraine

Kids and Guns


The anti-gun movement wasted no time exploiting the tragic situation in Arizona that caused the shooting death of a firearms instructor by a 9 year old girl.

There were many mistakes made by the instructor that lead to his death.

Equally tragic, is the psychological impact that little girl will have to deal with for the rest of her life. It is a tragedy that could have been prevented and never should have happened. Read more about Kids and Guns

Maps Show EPA Land Grab

Today I sent a letter to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Gina McCarthy demanding additional information about the agency’s motivation for having detailed maps assembled showing waters and wetlands for all 50 states. The maps, which were created in 2013 shortly after EPA proposed its Waters of the U.S. rule, had never been made public. When confronted at a hearing, EPA Deputy Administrator Bob Perciasepe agreed to release the maps.

These maps show the EPA’s plan: to control a huge amount of private property across the country. Given the astonishing picture they paint, I understand the EPA’s desire to minimize the importance of these maps. But the EPA’s posturing cannot explain away the alarming content of these documents. It’s time to give Americans a chance to make up their own minds about the EPA’s intentions.

A Federal/Local Government Action That Makes Both Conservatives And Liberals Flinch

Those of you, who know me, know that I am not a real big “government conspiracy” guy. However, I always love to listen to any conspiratorial story. I can easily listen to most suggestions of government conspiracy to cover up and hide and take over various aspects of our daily lives. I may not agree with those who propose these theories, but my goal is to always leave all conversations with people as friends first, and then to be more informed second. Read more about A Federal/Local Government Action That Makes Both Conservatives And Liberals Flinch

How to Thwart the NSA, For Real

What a great conversation with Michael Boldin of the Tenth Amendment Center and Off Now, about the Off Now initiative and handbook. Have a listen!

Read more about How to Thwart the NSA, For Real

Congressman Blake Farenthold introduces H.R.5308, the Justice Attributed to Wounded Sharks (JAWS) Act to halt foreign aid to countries that allow shark finning

A few weeks ago, I introduced H.R. 5308, the Justice Attributed to Wounded Sharks (JAWS) Act. The JAWS Act prohibits the granting of United States foreign assistance to countries that do not prohibit shark finning in the territorial waters of the country or the sale, possession, importation, or consumption of shark fins obtained as a result of shark finning. Read more about Congressman Blake Farenthold introduces H.R.5308, the Justice Attributed to Wounded Sharks (JAWS) Act to halt foreign aid to countries that allow shark finning


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