Bob Price

Note:  This article contains an exclusive phone interview with Brian Terrys brother, Kent Terry.  A full transcript of this interview follows this article.  Comments are welcomed at the bottom of this page....
For over two years now, I have been writing about unethical businesses using employee misclassification as a strategy to create an unfair competitive advantage over legitimate employers in the marketplace. According to an...
During my investigation series, "A Lawless Presidency", I interviewed Ohio Congressman Mike Turner (R) about the Delphi bankruptcy case. Turner said the "entire process was a miscarriage of justice." After...
It is time for Republicans in Texas to take a leadership role in solving the problem of employee misclassification and payroll fraud. During the 2011 Legislative Session there was good legislation put forward, but it did not...
In the days leading up to the election, Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott issued an opinion about an employer's ability to ban Texans with a Concealed Handgun License (CHL) from leaving a gun locked in their private vehicle...
Now before all you noise makers on the extreme right get your knickers in a wad, this is not a story about amnesty. But it is a story about fixing a problem that should have been fixed in the last decade. It is also a story...
It was a night of roller coaster emotions at the the RPT Victory Party. Great celebration for Senator-Elect Ted Cruz and many other Republicans who won last night including Judge-elect Renee Magee.
Election Day voting in Harris County is very stong in traditional Republican polling locations. This according to former Harris County Tax Man, Paul Bettencourt. In a conversation today Bettencourt said we could see voter...
As for all of the candidates on this years ballot, this election cycle has been a very long, frustrating, rewarding and exhausting road.  An extended primary thanks to some federal judges and the Democrats, a July runoff...
While investigating the bankruptcy scandal which, under Obama-appointee Timothy Geithner's influence, stole hard-earned and well-funded pensions from 20,000 auto workers, I stumbled into an underworld of law and questionable...
As part of my ongoing series on Chapter 11 bankruptcy processes and U.S. Bankruptcy Courts, I took the opportunity to visit the American Bankruptcy Institutes (ABI) Winter Leadership Conference to see if there was any change...
Immigration Reform should be viewed as a matter of national security and not social engineering. Currently our immigration system is more about family reunification than it is about ecomomic needs and national security. In...
This has been an amazing year and I, for one, have much to be thankful for. While writing for this year I have had the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C., New York City and San Diego to pursue stories...
A staple food group icon of an overweight America now becomes an example of what is wrong in our business system and bankruptcy processes. In an announcement last Friday, November 16th, Hostess CEO Gregory Rayburn, said "...
My investigation into the Delphi Salaried Pension Scandal, one of the “not optimal” results of the bankruptcies of General Motors and auto parts manufacturer Delphi, turned out to be the tip of an iceberg of a system that is...
Hating Breitbart is a great movie about a great American patriot. Unfortunately it was released too late to help us understand what we were really up against in 2012. Governor Mitt Romney was not running against...
President Obama made huge promises to the American people about what he would do about immigration. He promised voters he would pass true reform legislation in his first year in office. Not only did he not pass any kind of...
As I have said for weeks now, this election is not about winning, it's about sending a message to Washington D.C. and to Austin, Texas. No more big government. No more big spending. No more abuse of government processes to...
UPDATE:  The Harris County Republican Party won its lawsuit filed by Rep. County Attorney Candidate Robert Talton on behalf of the Party.  Talton serves as legal counsel for the party.  The judge granted the TRO...
Somewhere along the road of last years move and this years redistricting debacle, I went from being represented in Congress by John Culberson to Sheila Jackson Lee to Ted Poe and now, thanks to some federal judges in San...



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