Bob Price

The U.S. Senate stood on the side of liberty today as it killed two measures aimed at restricting the rights of law-abiding private citizens.  In a vote of 54-46, the Senate rejected the expansion of background checks to...
For several years, TexasGOPVote and have been sounding the alarm about issues related to employee misclassification and why this is a problem for Texas taxpayers and businesses. The 2011 Legislative...
Creditors of the City of Stockton, California probably wish that Judge Christopher Klein's ruling that the city can proceed into bankruptcy over their objections was an April Fools joke, but it just isn't so. Monday, April 1...
Overweight dump trucks, garbage haulers and oilfield trucks (just to name a few) are taking roads in Texas that are designed to last 20-30 years are being reduced to rubble and potholes in less than 10. This is causing such...
Too often Republicans play defense on policy issues and allow Democrats (and the willing media accomplices) to control the language and tactics of the debate. Immigration reform has certainly been one of these areas....
During Texas Governor Rick Perry's 2013 State of the State Address he said "Texas is stronger than ever." It is too bad the same cannot be said for our roadways that are crumbling under the weight of record numbers...
Many times laws written by the legislature have unintended consequences. The 2011 Texas Legislature passed a law requiring the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to verify proof of citizenship or legal immigration...
Is it Girls or Bankruptcy Judges that have Gone Wild?Researching everything going on in relation to the bankruptcy series I have been writing can be pretty dry. However, recently on Bankruptcy Law...
In this series of articles, we have addressed cases involving Delphi employees being stripped of their pensions without representation, General Motors being swept through the bankruptcy process in 44 days leaving an...
This week the Obama Administration released illegal immigrants who were being held in custody pending deportation hearings in advance of the looming sequestration. Is this just another propaganda move to put pressure on...
Texas highways and roads moved one step closer to being safer and properly maintained after a hearing this week in Austin about HB 3094 by Republican Representative Allen Fletcher (R-Cypress). Currently there is little...
It is clear that border security and immigration reform are two separate issues. Yet the two must be linked together as we try to develop a responsible solution to both of these problems facing our nation. Today, in Houston...
The United Nations passed an arms control treaty that could, if signed by the President and ratified by the Senate, radically alter Americans' Second Amendment rights. In response to this treaty, Texas Attorney General Greg...
Thanks to the efforts of Lady Bird Johnson and thousands of volunteers at the National Wildflower Research Center, driving the highways and backroads of Texas in the springtime is a thing of beauty and grandure. It is a...
Hearings are nothing new in bankruptcy courts, or any other courts for that matter, but a hearing held this month in Judge Robert Gerber's court in the Southern District of New York could have a dramatic impact on the...
Construction mogul Donald Trump stood before CPAC last week and called for a de facto amnesty for the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in this country. Trump said Republicans should block immigration reform because...
For a long time now, I have been saying that doing nothing about our broken immigration system has created a de-facto amnetsty for the millions of illegal immigrants in this country. Now the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is...
The following notice was sent out by the NRA's Institute for Legislative Affairs about Gun Rights issues before this session of the Texas Legislature. For those who support the Second Amendment, this is an important day to...
Houston Young RepublicansActing on one of the core principles of conservatism, the Houston Young Republicans (HYR) are taking a stand on rolling back government regulations on small business.  This...
"On January 16, 2013, President Barack Obama issued 23 executive actions against your 2nd amendment Constitutional right to bear arms. He did this without the consent of Congress which in itself, violates the foundation...



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