
Some want to complete the fence along the United States–Mexico border. Others cry for higher quotas of H-1B visas. The debate goes on and on. Regardless of the immigration politics and law at stake, I sought the answer to an...
State Senate District 24, Monday, March 7, 2016— "I hope those who supported me in the Republican Primary, will choose Susan King in the runoff," said Jon Cobb, a close 3rd place Republican candidate finisher in the...
Top law enforcement and conservative thought leaders like Brandon Darby, the Managing Director of Breitbart Texas, are saying attacks against Texas House Speaker Joe Straus leveled his political opponents about immigration...
Social media explodes with video on candidate Thomas McNutt hiring illegal immigrants — you need to view this
HOUSTON – Today, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick announced a major workforce development initiative that bridges the gap between the classroom and the interview room.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is observed on the third Monday in January every year, and while many people know the day is in recognition of King's birthday, not many are familiar with how the day became a holiday. Like, why...
State Representative Jonathan Stickland is campaigning for reelection to Texas House District 92, which comprises a portion of Tarrant County and spans suburban Fort Worth. The following is a running list of the hypocrisies...
Washington, D.C. – The Committee on Science, Space, and Technology today approved the Nuclear Energy Innovation Capabilities Act (H.R.
On Thursday, U.S. Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) introduced the “Reciprocity Ensures Streamlined Use of Lifesaving Treatments Act (S. 2388), or the RESULT Act,” which would amend the Food, Drug and Cosmetic...
Every year Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) gives national attention to the accomplishments of key lawmakers in both U.S. Congress and state legislatures. Today, conservative State Representative Jason Villalba (R-...
Today, U.S. Reps. Tony Cárdenas (D-San Fernando Valley, Calif.) and Blake Farenthold (R-Corpus Christi, Texas) reintroduced the “Trade Protection Not Troll Protection Act,” a bill to protect American companies at the...
Law enforcement leaders in San Antonio and across Texas harshly criticized political candidates Jeff Judson and Sheila Bean for blaming Speaker Joe Straus for a 2015 murder.
Bongs, abortion and illegal immigration are just three of the issues surfacing in one of the hottest Texas House races, which is playing out as a case study of how the far-right faction of the state Republican party seeks to...
National Republican Congressional Committee - Inspector General Charles McCullough delivered more bad news to Democrats hoping to share the ticket with Hillary Clinton in November.
Thomas McNutt is campaigning to be the representative for Texas State House District 8, which spans Navarro, Freestone, Anderson, and Hill Counties. The following is a running tally of the hypocrisies McNutt has been caught...
The 2016 GOP Primary Hypocrisy File is dedicated to documenting the truth on Texas candidates who say one thing on the campaign trail but do another thing in their professional and personal lives. View the documentation file...
To say you’re opposed to illegal immigration as a candidate and then to employ illegal immigrant workers in your business is political hypocrisy and business dishonesty
With government funding set to expire in less than 72-hours, Republicans and Democrats in Congress are still trying to forge a spending bill deal to avert a government shutdown as "significant issues" still remain. "...
More than six months after falling to the Islamic State, the city center of Ramadi is under siege by Iraqi security forces and tribal fighters backed by American airpower. Commanders say that as few as 300 militants remain...



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