Gallup: Texas Latinos Trending Republican


Republican Party of Texas Chairman, Steve Munisteri, has long been telling Republican clubs and organizations across the state that Hispanics in Texas are more ‘Republican’ than national trends. Recent polling from Gallup now backs that statement.

Hispanics have become increasingly Republican since 2008, according to the Gallup poll. Last year the number of Texas Hispanics that preferred the GOP was 27% as opposed to 21% from other states.

Taxman Steals the Gold, Silver, and Bronze


America's best athletes carry the banner of Old Glory into the Olympic Games. They are a remarkable breed and have dedicated their lives in training to represent Team USA in lands far, far away.

This year is no different as they hit the snowy Winter Games in Russia, and they are already doing quite well.

Sonja Harris' March 4th 2014 Texas Primary Judicial Picks


Texas voters have the privilege of going to the polls on March 4th and deciding who will be our nominees in the November general election. Early voting starts February 18 and ends February 28. The Run Off Election is set for May 27, 2014. Our nominees are our greatest ammunition for a society devoid of tyranny. It is of upmost importance that we as a society have men of integrity and knowledge in our judicial courts. Read more about Sonja Harris' March 4th 2014 Texas Primary Judicial Picks

Ryan Sitton Brings Oil and Gas Background to Texas Railroad Commission Race


With today opening the first day of early voting, there is a hotly contested race for Texas Railroad Commissioner with the Republican candidates being Ryan Sitton, an oil and gas engineer and successful business owner; Wayne Christian, former State Representative; Malachi Boyuls, an attorney; and Becky Berger, a geologist. The Railroad Commission of Texas is the state agency that regulates the oil and gas industry, and therefore, has an effect on creating energy jobs. Ryan Sitton is a candidate with a strong foundation of industry background and experience with job creation. Sitton will take his oil and gas experience and knowledge to the Railroad Commission, which along with his

March 2014 Texas Primary: Why Local Elections Matter

What do you think of when you hear the term 'nanny state'? Are you like me and you automatically think of some portly, elderly British woman with knee highs and thick dark glasses looking down her nose while standing over a small child? Does that term conjure up images of a tight, restrictive control over ones subjects, just aching for them to make the tiniest mistake so their privileges, or what's left of them, can be snatched away in one fail swoop? Wikipedia defines Nanny state as a term of British origin (and primary use) that conveys a view that a government or its policies are overprotective or interfering unduly

Primary Colors – Part 2 – Continuing Strong Leadership in the Attorney General’s office to Represent Texas Against Washington, D.C.

The March 4 primary is right around the corner and early voting starts Tuesday. This is the second in a series. (The first is here.) I cannot overstate the importance of your vote and the impact it has in the primary.

Texas Attorney General

This race is perhaps as hotly contested if not more so than others I’ve written about, as there are two genuinely conservative candidates, Railroad Commission Chairman Barry Smitherman and Senator Ken Paxton. Both have committed supporters I know and respect who have been “in the trenches” in the culture wars for years and even decades.

Rolando Cerezo, Rep. Stefani Carter Car Wreck Victim and New American Conservative, Supports Adryana Boyne in Texas House District 102 Race


Rolando Cerezo has endorsed Adryana Boyne, Republican Candidate for Texas House District 102. Cerezo is a young American citizen who holds conservative values. His mother emigrated from Guatemala bringing him and another brother to the United States more than twenty years ago. After going through the legal process of citizenship, his mother became an American Citizen in December of 2012 and Rolando became a citizen on January 27th of this year. Cerezo graduated from South Garland High School, Garland, Texas and then from ITT Technical Institute with a degree in Construction Management.

Cornyn Statement on the Five-Year Anniversary of Obama’s Failed Stimulus

I issued the following statement to mark the five-year anniversary of the signing of President Obama’s stimulus plan.

When the stimulus was first announced, we were promised it would lead to ‘shovel-ready’ jobs and get our economy moving. Five years later, our economy is still sluggish, Americans are dropping out of the workforce by the thousands, and the President’s latest big government experiment, Obamacare, is now on track to slash 2 million more jobs from the workforce. Read more about Cornyn Statement on the Five-Year Anniversary of Obama’s Failed Stimulus

Restoring the Benefits Our Military Retirees Earned

This week, Congress acted to keep our promises to those who have served.

The House and Senate came together to pass legislation I strongly supported to eliminate the cuts to military retiree benefits. The next stop is the Presidents desk, where we can expect it to be signed into law any day now. Read more about Restoring the Benefits Our Military Retirees Earned

An Open Letter to Senator Ted Cruz

Dear Senator Cruz:

Thank you for your unwavering opposition to “out of control” budgets and Obamacare!

I have been a Pro-Life Republican since I was 18 years old. I support gun rights, tort reform, less government, and tax incentives to grow business. I have been blessed as an insurance agent for nearly 50 years. I deal with hundreds of employers who are hiring employees every day. My clients are hard working, honest Americans, and they do their best to follow the laws of our country. Read more about An Open Letter to Senator Ted Cruz


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