Cuban Immigrant Slams Oregon Gun Control Lawmakers

While so many Americans are blind to the enslavement of our people, a man who fled slavery pours his heart out to lawmakers in Oregon who are attempting to strip liberty from the people of that state with more gun control laws.

Manuel Martinez fled Cuba to enjoy the freedom in American. He tells Oregon lawmakers attempting to pass gun control legislation that what he found here instead is MARXISM… Read more about Cuban Immigrant Slams Oregon Gun Control Lawmakers

Texas House to Study What More Should be Done on Worker Misclassification


Now that the state is moving forward with a targeted crackdown on the practice of worker misclassification, which some in the construction industry have called “a cancer,” lawmakers are going to work through the summer to figure out what more they can do when they reconvene in a regular session in 2015.

As you may recall, the Texas Legislature in 2013 passed a bill to root out misclassification on public works projects. While many see that as a step in the right direction, it doesn't go nearly far enough to address the problem.

Congressman Smith Opposes Raising Debt Limit

I issued the following statement following last night's vote in the House of Representatives to raise the debt limit.

Our debt is currently $17.2 trillion and will increase to $26 trillion over the next decade if we continue spending beyond our means.

Raising the debt limit without reducing future spending is the road to insolvency. The debt continues to drag down the economy and increase unemployment.

Terri Hall’s Myopic View of SD25 vs Senator Campbell’s Broad View of Reality


Senator Donna Campbell held a watch party in New Braunfels on July 31, 2012 with many of her admirers celebrating her run off election victory. Campbell defeated entrenched incumbent Jeff Wentworth. Among her supporters were Terri Hall the anti toll road activist. Here are two photographs which clearly show Hall at the watch party validating that she was among one of Senator Campbell’s strongest supporters during her campaign.

Hall has repeatedly attacked Senator Campbell on the toll road issue and is misrepresenting the truth. Hall fails to mention that it was Senator Campbell who stood alone

House Passes Bill to Improve Drought Monitoring Program

The House of Representatives today passed the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) Reauthorization Act (H.R. 2431) by a vote of 365 - 21. The bill makes important improvements to the NIDIS drought monitoring program and reauthorizes it through fiscal year 2018. 

Recent droughts in Texas and around the country have been severe. And the NIDIS program has helped state and local governments, farmers, ranchers, and others both monitor and predict drought conditions.

Does Anyone Really Think The IRS Needs More To Do?

Today I delivered the following remarks on the Senate floor in support of the Stop Targeting of Political Beliefs by the IRS Act, introduced by Senators Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Jeff Flake (R-AZ). This bill would prevent the IRS from enacting regulations allowing for the suppression of Americans’ First Amendment rights.

The full video can be seen here. Excerpts are below:

I don't know anybody that thinks [the IRS] needs more to do,

Celebrating Black History Month


In 1925, historian Carter Woodson started a movement to spend a week bringing awareness to the role of African Americans in our national history. His effort has grown tremendously since then, and for the past 38 years, we’ve set aside the month of February to study and honor how African Americans have contributed to our national culture and history. Our nation was founded on the idea that we are all created equal, which means that we all have the opportunity to pursue our dreams regardless of our race, our religion,

Embrace the American Energy Renaissance

Today, I outlined his vision for unleashing American jobs and opportunity by harnessing our nation’s energy resources. He spoke at the Heritage Action for America’s 2014 Conservative Policy Summit.

A Great American Energy Renaissance is at our fingertips. There is only one thing that will stop us from embracing it to its full potential: the federal government. Nothing else will stop the next generation of American energy pioneers. It won’t be lack of determination, ingenuity, or grit. It will be some faceless bureaucrat

Be Aware: How to Protect Yourself from Cyber Security Risks during the Winter Olympics


Even if you're not traveling to Sochi for the XXII Olympic Winter Games, your cyber security could still be at risk. As with many international level media events, hacktivists may attempt to take advantage of the large audience to spread their own message. Additionally, cyber criminals may use the Winter Games and its large captive online audience as an opportunity to lure in spam, phishing or drive-by-download campaigns to gain personal information. Read more about Be Aware: How to Protect Yourself from Cyber Security Risks during the Winter Olympics

The National Debt is Gambling With Our Future


Today, I released a new video putting our enormous national debt into perspective. As our debt currently stands, it would be equivalent to winning the largest Powerball Jackpot in history every day, for 80 years.

Read more about The National Debt is Gambling With Our Future


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