Protecting the Second Amendment

This week, the House passed legislation that protects our Second Amendment rights and ensures that public lands can continue to be used for hunting and fishing. With my support, the Sportsmen’s Heritage and Recreational Enhancement Act (H.R. 3590) passed the House by a vote of 268 to 154.

This Administration has a long track record of basing its environmental

Will Texas Republican Legislators Finally Get Serious About Worker Misclassification?

For the past several years, the Republican-led Texas Legislature has failed to make significant progress in stopping the abuses of workers through unethical employment practices. Many businesses, particularly in the construction industry, carry on a practice of classifying workers as independent contractors when they are truly employees, according to existing law.

Lawmakers have attempted to bring bills to the floor to stop the practice of companies that cheat workers and taxpayers and game the system to obtain an unfair competitive business advantage over companies who follow the law. These bills have repeatedly died in various committees because of pressure from a relatively few, but very powerful, home builders who make millions by cheating. Read more about Will Texas Republican Legislators Finally Get Serious About Worker Misclassification?

Senator Cornyn Opposes Radical DOJ Nominee

I issued the following statement after the Senate Judiciary Committee voted to advance the nomination of Debo Adegbile to head the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division.

I find it deeply disturbing that someone who has demonstrated such a partisan approach to issues like voter ID and religious liberty would be advanced for confirmation to our nation’s highest civil rights office.

Mr. Adegbile also has forcefully advocated for overturning the death

The Mythology of Climate Change


There are plenty of myths that often permeate the climate change debate, and if one reads the mainstream media, you will get the idea that world is close to extinction. However, what you read in the media is mostly wrong.

Myth one is that the science is settled on climate change, but the reality is the science behind much of the assertion of climate warming is imploding. The present day climate changes are showing a temporary plateau for the past two decades, and the computer

EPA Should Allow Texas Flexibility to Regulate

The House Science, Space, and Technology Committee today held a hearing to focus on the scientific justification and cumulative impacts of regulations, policies and practices promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and their effects on state sovereignty. The hearing specifically focused on Texas as a case study.

The devastating impact of EPA’s overreach can be felt from state houses to farmhouses across the nation. Americans are tired of the red tape that hampers economic growth. EPA’s regulatory ambitions threaten states’ rights and intrude on the every-day lives of our citizens. State regulators know how to protect the environment within their borders better than federal employees in Washington D.C. Even with the nation’s largest industrial sector, Texas had made vast improvements

CBO Confirms Obamacare is Making Economy Worse


I spoke on the Senate floor yesterday regarding the Congressional Budget Office’s latest report showing Obamacare will result in 2 million fewer full-time workers.

The Congressional Budget Office said the number of full-time workers will go down by two million in the coming years as a result of the Affordable Care Act.

So in addition to people getting canceled policies or sticker shock

Failed Policies and Empty Promises: The State of Our Union under Obama

I went into the House Chamber Tuesday night hopeful that the President would put forth real solutions to move our country forward. Instead, I heard more of the same rhetoric and policies that got us here in the first place - and no specifics on how to change it. Read more about Failed Policies and Empty Promises: The State of Our Union under Obama

Ken Paxton Backed Down from Challenging Joe Straus, Left Conservatives Hanging


Some people have asked me how I know that Ken Paxton is not the right man to be our next Texas Attorney General. There are many reasons. Do I think Ken Paxton is conservative? Of course I do, but I do not believe he is the best conservative, and I do not believe he is the best leader. Unfortunately, I know for sure that Ken Paxton will back down, even after promising not to back down. Read more about Ken Paxton Backed Down from Challenging Joe Straus, Left Conservatives Hanging

Holding the President Accountable with the Stop This Overreaching Presidency (STOP) Resolution

President Obama declared a pen and a phone were all he needed to push his political agenda. Then at the State of the Union last week he reaffirmed that he “won’t wait” for Congress, and will act alone “wherever and whenever” he can. But our Founding Fathers put a lot of work into crafting our Constitution, and they included checks and balances for a reason.

What the President doesn’t seem to want to remember is that they also included Congressional oversight and the ability to check an overreaching Executive.

Sen. Rand Paul to Present Keynote Speech at Harris County GOP Lincoln-Reagan Celebration


HCRP Lincoln Reagan DinnerU.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) will be the keynote speaker at the 2014 Harris County GOP's Lincoln Reagan Dinner. The Harris County Republican Party (HCRP) joins other Republican organizations across the country every year in honoring two of the greatest Republican presidents in the party's history - Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. This year's celebration is expected to be one of the largest in the state of Texas. The dinner will be held on February 8th. Read more about Sen. Rand Paul to Present Keynote Speech at Harris County GOP Lincoln-Reagan Celebration


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