Governor Rick Perry adds big Pro-Life bills to Texas Special Session


The Texas regular legislative session ended less than a month ago. Unfortunately, all the big pro-life bills were killed by the leadership of Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus. Joe Straus is not pro-life and has openly stated that abortion is not a serious issue and only a wedge issue. In fact, yesterday Joe Straus told the media that he had "no comment" when he learned about pro-life issues being added to the special session by Perry.

NSA Data Collection

Last week, a contractor with the National Security Agency (NSA) revealed that the agency is reviewing large amounts of data from cell phone and internet companies. The NSA is looking for patterns that tend to indicate terrorist activity. The data collection requests went through a court review, as required by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). The programs are supposed to ensure that they are focused on foreign suspects.

I want to know more about how this data is being collected and used.

Sovereign Texas


The Texas State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) met for our regular quarterly meeting in Austin this weekend. As always, the meeting was open to the public. Any interested party with or without media credentials may attend the meetings.

As many readers of this site know, the presidential primary system in this country routinely disenfranchises primary voters in important “red” states like Texas. In the last cycle, due to a combination of rules and courts, Texas had one of the last primaries and had to allocate delegates proportionally. This effectively means we had little to no say as to who was nominated—it was already a “done deal” by the time we voted. Read more about Sovereign Texas

NSA Eavesdropping Scandal Explodes Amidst Other Raging Obama Scandals


Spoiler alert! Obama has already read this blog!

Do you remember where you were when Princess Diana's car wreck made the news? Do you remember what you were doing when you first heard about it? Were you on the phone, at work, or giving the kids a bath? How did it make you feel? Every tragedy or event that's happened in human history always seems to leave

Crowd Erupts in Thunderous Applause When Leno Says Obama Should Close IRS Instead of Gitmo

Jay Leno made a suggestion on his June 3rd show which was met with overwhelming approval!

“Guantanamo Bay? How ’bout closing the IRS?”

Or maybe move the IRS to Gitmo?

Boom. Perfect idea Jay! 2 thumbs way up!! Read more about Crowd Erupts in Thunderous Applause When Leno Says Obama Should Close IRS Instead of Gitmo

Cornyn Addresses RESULTS Amendment on Senate Floor

I understand why the American people don’t trust Washington, I understand why they dismiss some border security promises as rhetoric.

That’s why my amendment, the RESULTS amendment, is so important, and it’s essential to accomplishing the goal of bipartisan immigration reform. As I said, right now, Congress and Washington have a major credibility problem.

I’m afraid the Gang of Eight bill -- in its current form -- would make this problem worse.

Instead of enacting so-called triggers that are just really talking points disguised as policy, it’s time for us to adopt real triggers. Read more about Cornyn Addresses RESULTS Amendment on Senate Floor

Signing of HB5 is Just a Beginning


I applaud the signing of House Bill 5 into law. This legislation will allow for multiple pathways to a high school diploma, increased opportunities for vocational education at the high school level, and the beginning of a return to local control of education.

While the passage of HB5 is just the beginning of a long overdue reform

Lying to the American Public Equals a Promotion?

I was shocked and disappointed Wednesday when President Obama announced UN Ambassador Susan Rice as his pick for our nation’s top security post. At a time when this country is losing trust in its government with scandal after scandal, choosing the person who lied to the American people on national television, saying the terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi was sparked by a non-existent YouTube video is, quite frankly, offensive. It is a slap in the face to the American people. Read more about Lying to the American Public Equals a Promotion?

In Memory of the Houston Firefighters Killed Fighting Hotel Fire


When there is a blaze, when there is a fire, when there is an explosion, when someone has an emergency medical problem, the firefighter--the EMT rush in. That is what they do. While others flee danger, the firefighter with sirens, red lights, horns, red and white trucks charge into the jaws and midst of danger. Sometimes the danger is overwhelming and firefighters are injured and some are killed.

165 Imprisoned As Slaves By Cartel Rescued One Mile From Us Border

Mexican troops have rescued 165 people who were purchased and kept as slaves by a Mexican drug cartel. The adults, children, and pregnant women had been kept in Mexico less than one mile from the U.S. border.

The 165 people were intending to illegally cross the U.S. border, but their human smugglers sold them to a cartel instead of helping them across, according to a report from the U.K.’s Mail Online. The victims are reported to have been from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Read more about 165 Imprisoned As Slaves By Cartel Rescued One Mile From Us Border


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