As I have said for weeks now, this election is not about winning, it's about sending a message to Washington D.C. and to Austin, Texas. No more big government. No more big spending. No more abuse of government processes to...
As for all of the candidates on this years ballot, this election cycle has been a very long, frustrating, rewarding and exhausting road.  An extended primary thanks to some federal judges and the Democrats, a July runoff...
Private emails between Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus staff/leaders reveal Straus's profanity-laden disdain for Texas Conservatives. These emails were revealed on is TEXAS for crying out loud! How is...
While investigating the bankruptcy scandal which, under Obama-appointee Timothy Geithner's influence, stole hard-earned and well-funded pensions from 20,000 auto workers, I stumbled into an underworld of law and questionable...
Originally posted by Brandon Darby on News reported that the Houston, TX NAACP had effectively taken over an election polling station, according to eye witness reports and the sworn...
In the past few weeks, I have visited with many of you across the Second Congressional District, and aside from the weak economy, there were two issues that you wanted to discuss: military voting and the terrorist attack in...
Somewhere along the road of last years move and this years redistricting debacle, I went from being represented in Congress by John Culberson to Sheila Jackson Lee to Ted Poe and now, thanks to some federal judges in San...
Recently I wrote an article titled, "The Road to the White House and Control of the Senate Drives Through Ohio".  As we come down to the wire, this race is neck and neck. Ohio State Treasurer Josh Mandel is...
Recently I was driving down the freeway in Houston, Texas and I noticed a small business alongside the freeway that was making a BIG statement! Flying over the business was a giant American flag, which is common to see along...
If you are an undecided voter, then maybe looking at the events that occurred on September 11, 2012, should be enough of a reason to say goodbye to Obama. On September 11th, the American consulate in Benghazi was attacked...
My name is John Griffing. I'm an average patriotic American citizen, and I’m alarmed. I’m alarmed at the speed with which our country is giving away its precious freedoms, and I’m alarmed at the role our own president has...
The NAACP has asked the United Nations Human Rights Council to investigate U.S voter ID Laws. The problem is that some of the countries on this UN Council, Saudi Arabia for instance, do not even allow woman to vote!This is...
UPDATE:  The Harris County Republican Party won its lawsuit filed by Rep. County Attorney Candidate Robert Talton on behalf of the Party.  Talton serves as legal counsel for the party.  The judge granted the TRO...
It is a tale of two stories. The Nick Lampson Democrat Congressional Campaign sends out an email saying Lampson was harassed by a Randy Weber supporter posing like a journalist. The Burnt Orange Reports then posts a story...
Saturday night I flew into Cleveland, landing very late. I came as part of the Mighty Texas Strike Force (I just love that name!), to volunteer for the Romney/Ryan campaign by knocking on doors to get out the vote.I was the...
The following campaign ads for BHO depict the values and morals of a decaying society. The ads are being used to garner votes for the reelection of the present President of the United States of America, the leader of the...
Cheating at traditionally Democratic voting areas reportedAs of the close of early voting the turnout estimates in Harris County make the county wide races far too close to call. Due largely to a last ditch...
  Members of Docs4PatientCare visiting Members of Congress in Washington D.C.The question of whether ObamaCare will remain the law of this country or will be repealed by...
President Barack Obama has been on a mission of abusing the bankruptcy courts to move forward his political agenda of redistribution of wealth and making paybacks to unions for political support. This directly affects voters...
Former Democrat Congressman Nick Lampson, who is currently running for congress in the newly redrawn TX CD-14, has been caught on video getting violent with a reporter.Lampson is in a hotly contested race with Conservative...



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