AUSTIN— Lt. Governor Dewhurst today released the following statement on the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision to vacate a preliminary injunction that would allow Planned Parenthood to continue receiving funding under... while we are worried about what came out of Missouri US Senate GOP nominee Todd Akins’ mouth, which was absolutely a misspoken word, there are real...
AUSTIN— Today, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst issued the following statement regarding the decision by the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit on the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule:"Today's ruling by the D.C....
An extraordinary thing has been happening at our weekly open meetings. Yes, right here in Montgomery County.Since the runoff, office holders and candidates who have won their primary elections with the assistance of Texas...
Who would have thought that Medicare as an issue could possibly benefit Republicans? Conventional wisdom was that picking Paul Ryan would force Romney to defend Ryan's budget and Ryan’s Medicare reform, but the issue works...
For decades, patriotic Americans have resisted the recommendation to vote “straight ticket”, preferring instead to vote “on the candidate” race by race. There have been conservative Democrats that ran for and won office,...
On Monday, August 13, 2012, John Griffing, columnist at Texas GOP Vote, World Net Daily, American Thinker, and other conservative publications, conducted a live interview with Congressman Ted Poe (R-TX).
Mitt Romney released a Republican bombshell on Saturday, August 11 in Norfolk, Virginia. Romney’s announcement, that Congressman Paul Ryan would be his running mate, hit the Liberals like a lightening jolt.
If you want to be inspired about an American comeback, watch this HD Video produced by Americans for Fair Taxation. It is powerful!
As our country has become faced with more and more labor shortages in the agriculture, construction and hospitality industries, will the DREAMers step up and provide the necessary labor? I know... Some of you are saying, "...
Earlier this summer, the Republican Party of Texas took a bold step in leadership on the issue of immigration reform with the adoption of what has become known as "The Texas Solution". One of the key planks of The Texas...
The most recent cover of Newsweek features an article entitled “Hit the Road, Barack - Why We Need a New President”. Considering that Newsweek is an established member of the liberal mainstream media, it is a truly...
For more than 20 years, Eagle Forum’s Phyllis Schlafly has thrown the most fun, non-convention event at the Republican National Convention --- and this year is no exception as she teams up with Tony Perkins of the Family...
Local grassroots leaders from the red states of Texas and Tennessee today announced the launch of Volunteers for Virginia, an independent get-out-the-vote project that will support Virginians in defeating Obama in...
Last month, Jeff Sadighi and the Southeast Texas Tea Party organized a Health Care Town Hall.Little did they know that their Obamacare Forum would lead to national attention.This Texas Healthcare Forum made big waves after a...
Texas State Representative James White, a former educator, has released a statement calling out Sandy Kress, an architect of NCLB, for saying that Texas is squealing after the federal government released a report about Texas...
Today I sent a letter to Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert requesting more information after it was reported that a Russian nuclear-powered attack submarine recently traveled undetected in the Gulf of...
Many think Obama has the youth vote wrapped up. However, this week I received an email from Matthew Faraci with "Generation Opportunity" (GO). GO is a non-profit group that is working on engaging young adults, early career...
Dallas County has 190 confirmed cases of West Nile Virus, including 10 tragic deaths. In an effort to control the outbreak of this disease, local officials – under the advisement of Texas State Health Officials and the...
UPDATE: The shooter had been volunteering at a community center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people (LGBT), according to the Associated Press. The Gunman is identified as Floyd Lee...



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