Author's Note: President Barack Hussein Obama has been running an administration that is lawless at best.  Today begins a series of articles about "A Lawless Presidency".  This series will illustrate a...
The Hill is reporting that there may be a compromise that “allows” State GOPs to continue to chose their delegates to the National GOP convention. There is no mention about killing the proposed rule allowing the Rebublican...
From several sources in the convention, and now newswires, we are now hearing that the Rule change controversy has been resolved in favor of States’ retaining full control over delegate selection. The Texas delegation,...
I look forward to visiting with my neighbors and their children at the "Back to School" Congress after Hours before I head back to Washington. As always, I look forward to reporting back to the people I represent and hearing...
Sunday evening August 26th 2012---in Tampa. It is cloudy, muggy, and 79 degrees. It’s drizzling but no hurricane yet!We saw Herman Cain at the Tampa International Airport yesterday while we were waiting for our luggage. He...
Today we have lost one of our nation's finest heroes and a timeless symbol of the American spirit.Forty-three years ago, his was the voice that came through loud and clear at Johnson Space Center's Mission Control to alert...
The U.S Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has ruled that Texas CAN enforce a new law that cuts off taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood, an abortion provider. This has been a roller coaster ride for Texas. Soon...
Eugene Volokh has been doing extensive blogging on the Volokh Conspiracy Blog about Elane Photography v. Willock. That is where I heard about this case of a photographer being forced by the government to take pictures of an...
Once again the Democrat Party shows they do not believe the rule of law applies to them. In a stunning move yesterday, Harris County Democrat Party Chairman Lane Lewis overruled the will of the Primary Election voters who... was in DC during CPAC-2012 that I first heard Dinesh D’Souza speak about his film, Obama’s America 2016, and I was there to see the first trailer and hear him describe the film. On...
Attention Republican National Delegates: DO NOT BACK DOWN. Go forward with the Minority Report. Reject these bad rule changes. DO NOT BELIEVE THE FAKE COMPROMISE. DEMAND A ROLL CALL VOTE!This Morning I got an urgent email...
Update: Morton Blackwell sent out an urgent message late last night stating that the compromise we have been hearing about regarding these issues is fake and is an attempt to get conservatives to back down! The...
There is an old adage in law that says “tough cases make bad law.” That phenomena is on display at the GOP’s 2012 Convention in Tampa, where the Rules Committee has agreed to a rule change that would effectively eliminate...
Briefly, there are items that have passed the powerful Rules committee that freedom loving Texans and activists of other states are attempting to roll back. In a nutshell, the most egregious of the Rules changes would give...
Here is a thought. Suppose I was to say a political party candidate has imitated the Communist Chinese abortion policy by allowing sex selection abortions? Would you say that party candidate is an extremist? What if I was...
Texas Delegate and member on the National Rules Committee, Butch Davis, says there will be a MINORITY REPORT signed by both Texas members on the Rules Committee concerning the selection of delegates and alternates to...
Yesterday, I sent a letter to Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki following reports that the Department conducted two extravagant training conferences last year, costing taxpayers more than $5 million.I requested a...
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of...
I admit, I am not that great when it comes to spelling or grammar. I write a bunch of articles for free and post them up without spell checking sometimes. I make my fair share of mistakes. I DON'T GET PAID TO PROFESSIONALLY...
Today’s dismal forecast from the non-partisan CBO underscores the need for the Obama Administration and Washington Democrats to join House Republicans’ efforts to replace the looming defense cuts and stop the tax hike. My...



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