NRCC - As a swing state in presidential elections, Florida is perpetually in the spotlight for both parties, and this year is no exception. Reapportionment following the 2010 census added two seats to Florida’s House...
A quotation from Benjamin Franklin is being passed around by leftists these days:“All the Property that is necessary to a man, for the conservation of the individual and the propagation of the species, is his natural right,...
Brandon Darby has hit the national scene (again). This time, Darby has come out swinging (on at Eric Holder's Department of Justice with proof that the DOJ has covered up multiple cases of Child Sex Trafficking...
National Popular Vote Movement is a Threat to States’ Rights - Dick Morris is Off Base Phyllis Schlafly’s February Report warns of the dangerous consequences of a National Popular Vote which is being...
RPT - Republican Party of Texas State Chairman Steve Munisteri issued the following statement upon the selection of Paul Ryan as the Republican Vice-Presidential nominee."I am ecstatic about the selection of Paul Ryan as...
I’ve been relatively sparse recently. But as sometimes happens, my comments have been piling up in the last few days. However, I was compelled to react to the Paul Ryan selection to be Romney’s VP running-mate, hopefully...
I have an email correspondent who cuts loose with yet one more rant about the greedy, voracious and calloused rich suppressing and robbing the middle and lower classes. Of course, President Obama...
This summer I was delighted to host 185 students from 22 area high schools in Washington, DC for the Pete Sessions Leadership and Growth Program. Every summer in June and July, students at the high school level are given the...
Congressmen Kevin Brady and Pete Olson heard from officials at the Texas Medical Center about challenges related to the solvency and political futures of Medicaid, Medicare and the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). They were...
NRCC - Cheeseheads are getting a lot of national attention these days and for good reason. Wisconsin is home to several outstanding leaders – one of whom will be our next Vice President. The Badger State has turned into a...
Paul Ryan's rise to the national mainstream has given the GOP a great chance to market its approach to the nation's problems. Unfortunately in the last days, Republicans have dropped the ball when it comes to controlling the...
Barack Obama's famous utterances “You didn’t build this” demonstrated that unprotected by his teleprompter, his true feelings for the society he governs come through. While many critics have complained that Romney and the...
My thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the shooting in College Station this afternoon. I join the community in expressing my deepest condolences.
Paul Ryan's selection as Vice President signals the changing of the guard in so many ways. Ryan's expertise on the budget allows him expertise in many areas, including health care. If you want to know how Ryan can play on...
Remember John McCains concession speech. It felt like the end of a political era, our appeals to Americans of the value of military service, "country first" just obliterated by the Obama wave. It was a political war machine...
Mitt Romney’s selection of Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan to be his Vice-Presidential running mate is perhaps the most serious and forward-thinking choice he could have made. We all know Mitt Romney has great executive and...
President Obama has really started vamping up his use of celebrities in his campaign lately. After lavish fundraisers earlier this summer hosted by celebrities such as George Clooney, Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew...
 The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives. We...



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