
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
Concerns that Texas hospitals would be unable to accommodate a surge of COVID-19 patients seem to have been assuaged in recent days.
Texas Workforce Commission officials say the state will run out of money in May or June. Other economists predict that could happen in as soon as three weeks.
swamp economy
We have a figurative war on our hands, but not against enemy bullets. It is not against the Coronavirus itself.
Witnessing the decline in circulation and quality of the Houston Chronicle during the Covid-19 "crisis" is breathtaking. Not only is the paper becoming smaller and smaller, but the editorial policies have led to censorship...
Now is not the time to play games – politics can wait, our small businesses can’t. 
The number of Texas families that applied for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program doubled in March compared with the same period last year, as thousands of Texans lost their jobs and incomes because of the COVID-19...
We are reaching a point in our history that those rights are under the greatest threat in the last 200+ years. But still, you are much better off than the average citizen in China. 
The coronavirus (COVID-19) has been in our face lately.  (Excuse the pun.)  Millions of Americans have had to lock themselves in their homes and ‘hunker down’.  Being locked in a home with teenagers can be more hazardous to...
Glen Whitley
Yesterday afternoon, Robby Montoya broke news that the Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley had banned all in person church services. Specifically, Judge Whitley posted up on social media that he was not allowing in-person...
Clearly the crisis in Texas and across the nation calls for measures to conserve the personal protective equipment needed by doctors and nurses fighting coronavirus on the front lines. We believe that merely delaying...
Yesterday I was asked to join President Trump's task force to re-open the economy as the nation continues to combat the coronavirus pandemic.
The Payment Protection Program that was created and funded by the CARES Act has has run dry of funding as of yesterday morning. It was last week when Administration officials and Congressional officials warned that funding...
As the nation works to defeat the coronavirus pandemic and re-open America's economy, I yesterday announced my intention to introduce two pieces of legislation when Congress returns to expand healthcare access and make...
As the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Texas continues to grow, we can’t help but ask, “when?” When will the outbreak peak? When will people go back to work? When will things return to “normal”?
The following article was authored by Stan Marek, CEO of MAREK.Texas Gov. Greg Abbott recently issued an order identifying industries considered essential during this pandemic. I was pleased that he included...
Border Patrol agents expressed concern about the lack of information about Coronavirus-infected employees and minimal use of protection leave for those potentially or actually exposed to the deadly virus. The agents...
As coronavirus threatens to overwhelm hospitals in areas with large numbers of patients with COVID-19, we are reminded of the importance of our healthcare workforce and the critical role that immigrants play in filling the...
U.S. Sens. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) and I, led a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell urging them to keep the financial assistance authorized by the CARES Act industry neutral and...
Cares Act
Nearly 1,600 small business owners, nonprofit leaders, workers and SBA-certified lenders across the nation Tuesday joined the webcast, “Paycheck Protection Program Implementation & Troubleshooting,” to receive updates on...
Researchers at the University of Washington released a new model that reports Texas will need fewer ICU beds for COVID-19 patients than previously forecast. The projections also suggest a lower number of deaths and an...



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