
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
The North American Development Bank (NADBank) has approved a $200 million temporary financing program to combat the effects of the novel coronavirus outbreak in the U.S.-Mexico border region, I recently announced.
Proxy voting cannot stand because it is unconstitutional, it is a building block for partisanship; and it fails the American people.
mail-in voting
There is an ongoing legal dispute between the Texas Democrat Party and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton developing in the state and federal courts over whether to allow all Texas voters to vote by mail in the upcoming...
I recently introduced H.R. 6885, the "Safe and Secure Medicine Supply for Hardworking Americans Act".  This legislation aims to rebuild a safe, secure, transparent medical supply chain for hardworking American families.
Because of the pandemic and its forced closures, many of Texas’ agricultural producers have experienced a lapse in demand or added logistical challenges that have greatly affected their bottom line. Through legislation,...
As a former CIA officer, I understand the demands of our intelligence agencies and what that means for a leader. John is bringing tremendous value to this position, and, with the intelligence community being politicized by...
Planned Parenthood fraudulently taking tens of millions of dollars that were intended to help keep those small businesses and nonprofit organizations afloat cannot stand and must be addressed.
"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same."
General Flynn was the victim of a fake case set up by Barack Obama and his team. Then the Mueller special counsel team bankrupted and threatened his family to get a guilty plea. 
By disregarding input from other Members on an emergency response bill, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is disregarding thousands of Americans who have been voicing their needs to their Representatives.
This legislation will remove outdated regulatory barriers to efficiently and safely support space flight as we build a future of space travel and exploration that is not reliant on the technologies or manpower of any other...
Sam Johnson
Sandy and I join Texans in mourning an American hero, a true statesman, and a close friend. Throughout his long life of service, every step Sam took was for others, from serving the nation in the U.S. Air Force to serving...
Not since the retirement of Nasa’s space shuttle fleet in 2011 has the US possessed the capability to send its own astronauts into orbit, and the success of this week’s mission, formally known as SpaceX Demo-2, is likely to...
Texas is working its way out of the fog, from the ‘panic’ pandemic, and will hopefully see a clearing by the end of May.  This great state has got to survive and bring the economy back and stand in its proper place in the...
Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo on Thursday announced the extension of the county’s stay-at-home order, even as Gov. Greg Abbott lifted such restrictions in the state and superseded most local directives.
For too many years Russia has failed to live up to its commitments while we continued to act in good faith, fitting a broader pattern of bad behavior from the Putin Regime.
contact tracing
In this week’s chapter of 1984, the government wants to track everywhere you go and everyone you meet in an effort to control COVID-19! What could possibly go wrong?
U.S. Senators Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) and I yesterday introduced a bill to allow servicemembers time to grieve the death of their newborn babies.  The Elaine M.
As member of the House Appropriations and Intelligence Committees, I today sent letters to every member nation of the World Health Organization (WHO) with U.S.-relations to request support in getting answers from WHO on its...
Yesterday on the floor, I discussed the threat frivolous litigation poses to health care workers and small businesses as states begin to reopen their economies. Excerpts of my floor remarks are below, and video can be found ...



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