
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
The Texas Senate on Monday approved a bill to massively overhaul public school finance, but did so while backing away from a proposal to use an increased sales tax to lower school district property taxes.
On the weekend of May 4th, Hamas and other terrorist groups fired more than 600 rockets into Israel from the Gaza strip. Their aim is to kill innocent civilians and sow chaos. But the Israelis have remained strong, and I am...
Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, Dennis Bonnen
Months ago when the Big Three first unveiled this session’s signature property tax “relief” bill, and remember it was introduced as the “Property Tax Reform and Relief Act of 2019,” they were flanked at a news conference by...
capitol night
With deadlines fast approaching in the Texas legislative session, Republican leaders are moving ahead with a new package of proposals aimed at reining in the ability of cities and counties to regulate certain employment...
If there is one principle that has been true from the dawn of our nation, it is that when liberty is under assault, Americans rise to defend it.
Sylvester Turner
Sylvester Turner, when elected Mayor of Houston narrowly in 2015, ran as a smart policy candidate whose long record of elected office enabled him to see through all the BS.
As drug abuse worsens in Texas, we all have a responsibility to do what we can to fight this epidemic in our communities. I encourage all Texans to take back their unused, unwanted, or expired prescription drugs to your...
I issued the following statement in response to reports that the Trump administration will grant major exemptions and waivers to recent sanctions against Iran:
I thought I was already as jaded as one could be.But the media’s response to the Mueller report takes things to a whole new level of Orwell.
This assistance supports efforts to address the challenging economic and security conditions that help form the root causes of mass child and family migration to the United States. It also enables us to combat transnational...
jobs added
Released last week, the April jobs report crushed all expectations - 263,000 new jobs, the seventh straight month of wage growth, and the lowest unemployment level since 1969. How can Joe Biden and his party of economic...
It’s always a great day when I get a visit from Texas students! This week, over 100 students from The John Cooper School in The Woodlands, Texas came for their annual DC field trip.
Paris Agreement
Thursday, I released the following statement after voting in opposition of H.R. 9, The Climate Action Now Act. 
Setting a bold legislative agenda, the “50 in 50” initiative drives thoughtful solutions to project America’s global leadership, counter acts of aggression by foreign adversaries, and protect American national security...
The ability to shop around for the lowest price is one of the cornerstones of the free market. Whether you’re making a big purchase such as a new car, or restocking everyday items such as paper towels, you can compare prices...
Central American aid
Last week I urged the Trump Administration to reconsider its plan to cut U.S. assistance to El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
A group of armed Mexican soldiers detained and disarmed a pair of U.S. soldiers on the U.S. side of the Texas border with Mexico. The U.S. soldiers were eventually released and their weapons returned.
Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings
In defiance of Republican leadership at the Texas Capitol moving toward banning such a move, the Dallas City Council on Wednesday voted to require that p
Springtime is one of my favorite seasons to travel across Texas, but last week I did more than admire the bluebonnets. Here are a few highlights from my recent visits with Texans across the state: 
Tax Day has come and gone, and the truth is that the vast majority of American taxpayers have benefited from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.



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