
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
On the Senate floor, I discussed a recent bipartisan meeting at the White House on tax reform. Excerpts of my remarks are below, and video of my remarks can be found here. 
Last night I debated Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in a CNN Town Hall regarding tax reform. During the debate, I called for eliminating the estate tax, also known as death tax, as a part of tax reform.
Last week, I toured areas devastated by Hurricane Harvey with Governor Greg Abbott, including Rockport, Port Aransas and Refugio. Debris removal and housing continue to be top priorities, and with most schools reopened (...
Yesterday I issued the following statement regarding President Donald Trump’s intention to expand the use of association health and short term insurance plans:
When is the rot of politicization of everything and the spread of political correctness going to stop? We don't know about you, but I have had enough.
Yesterday I participated in a roundtable discussion on storm recovery efforts with local community leaders in Beaumont. There, I shared my priorities for recovery, and how storm-impacted Texans can receive significant tax...
When I talk with constituents about what they feel is the biggest threat to our great nation, an overwhelming amount say our national debt.
The Texas Democratic Party deleted a tweet and apologized for rushing to judgment in their message linking the murder of the Texas Tech University Police officer to the state’s campus carry law. The law allows the holder of...
The NRA is opening a can of worms by opening up any discussion about gun regulations. Asking the ATF to enter a review of regulations is a big mistake.
Yesterday, I, along with Reps. Kurt Schrader (D-OR), Kevin Brady (R-TX), Al Green (D-TX), filed H.R.
For years, Lynda could not bring herself to speak about her past turmoil and nightmares. Lynda is finally telling about her tortured life.When she was 16, two neighborhood boys drugged and sexually assaulted her. Highly...
"Study, delay, no money, not worth it, other priorities," these are just some of the excuses for inaction in regards to our regional flooding problem.
After a late night meeting with leaders of the U.S. House of Representatives, and consulting with Governor Abbott, members of the Texas delegation have identified nearly $15 billion of emergency funding for Texas to be...
Texas Governor Greg Abbott said the state’s congressional delegation could get “rolled” on a hurricane relief bill that is about to be voted on in the House of Representatives. The governor expressed his disappointment in...
In legal writings spanning over a decade, Ho has maintained a position on one thorny issue — birthright citizenship — that pits him against many prominent Republicans, including the president who appointed him.
I always talk about local elections and the importance of making your voices heard. School board elections, college system trustee elections and city council elections are ones that I often think of when I think local. As...
Since President Trump’s administration entered office in 2017, the topic of immigration reform has been a heated point of debate.
I have made this point before: no one denies the climate is changing and the real question is why does our climate change?
Recently the PROTECT Our Children Act, bipartisan legislation that I introduced, passed the U.S.
The House Homeland Security Committee approved a $10 billion funding package for President Donald Trump’s promised border wall construction. The bill could be attached to legislation being debated to replace President Barack...



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