
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
(Throughout this article, I purposely use the word man-made in front of climate change to be more accurate since the debate about climate change is not if climate change exists, it does, but what causes it.
Last week on the Senate floor, I announced plans to introduce legislation that would incentivize federal agencies, including the military, to expeditiously and efficiently upload the already-required criminal conviction...
I released the following statement after supporting a measure to amend the Securities Act of 1933 to exempt certain micro-offerings from the Act's registration requirements:
I recently issued the following statement in response to the resignation of Lebanese Prime Minister Hariri:
Certain young Americans severely infected with political correctness, called Snowflakes, are in Bonn, Germany, for the United Nations Climate Change meeting to make DEMANDS. They call themselves the “U.S.
Many Congressmen have suspended Town Halls but Congressman Michael Burgess continues to give his constituents that forum to express their views. While Indivisible Denton (ID) asserts that their Denton community has “been...
We look back as history and people today ‘translate it’ with their current mindset.  But that doesn’t make it right.  We’re tearing down monuments, destroying historical markers, and denigrating our founders (#30) with vigor...
I released the following statement applauding the passage of a package to improve forest management to return resilience to overgrown, fire-prone forested lands:
A new story struck my fancy, polar bears hold Russian town hostage. It appears that 20 polar bears are staying put around a coastal Russian town, looking for Walrus meat after a major Walrus migration.
It’s no secret that our tax system is outdated, overly complicated, and full of loopholes, and anyone in Washington can tell you that tax reform – especially bipartisan tax reform – isn’t easy. 
Texas Association of Business released their legislator scorecard this morning. This scorecard, called For the Record, is a ranking of all Texas legislators based on how they voted for pro-business policies in the...
U.S. Reps. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) and I recently announced our bipartisan push to amend and improve the USA Liberty Act, to ensure that the bill adequately reforms a sweeping, secretive government spying program:
Recently on the Senate floor, I urged my Democrat colleagues in the Senate to join the Republican effort to overhaul our outdated tax code and continue their support for tax reform principals they have endorsed in the past...
I joined Co-Chairs of the Job Corps Caucus Congressman Lou Barletta and Congressman Sanford D. Bishop, Jr., in addition to 118 Members of Congress in sending a letter to the Department of Labor requesting a reevaluation of...
The Republican tax proposal is now public and while the overall plan will prove beneficial to the economy many challenges remain. The individual tax rates will lower middle class taxes by doubling standard deductions and...
The recent revelations about Uranium One and infamous Dossier being paid for by the Clinton’s campaign now turns the Russian Collusion story upside down.
I released the following statement in response to the Labor Department’s October 2017 jobs report:
America’s complicated and broken tax code is hurting our economy and, in turn, American families. That’s why I’ve long said we need a simpler tax code that rewards hard work.
Governments, militaries, and civilizations sometimes ignore history to justify their actions against individuals. A bit of history is important here.When the British controlled the Colonies, they heavily taxed the Colonies....
I reintroduced two bills recently aimed at lowering health insurance premiums and making lifesaving drugs and devices available to American patients suffering from chronic and life-threatening conditions.



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