
Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
New cases, hospitalizations and deaths are as low as they were before the first wave of the outbreak last summer.
For everything from national security to economic policy, there's a clear and urgent need to reorient the way our country views and responds to the challenge from China. 
As this hurricane season begins, I am proud to join Sen. Tillis on this crucial legislation to expedite the disaster recovery process and break through bureaucratic barriers that often hold back communities in the wake of...
Unlike the Democrats’ progressive Green New Deal, the bipartisan Trillion Trees Act doesn’t punish American industry or workers.
Texas GOP Chairman Allen West announced his resignation Friday morning, raising speculation he could run for statewide office.
Having a birthday does not erase a person’s violent history which is why I introduced this legislation to prevent proven aggressive offenders from having access to guns.
The American people, and the entire world, deserve answers in regards to the origins of COVID-19.
Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law a slate of legislation Tuesday that targets protesters and restricts cities’ abilities to reduce police budgets.
The Bipartisan Border Solutions Act is the only bipartisan, bicameral legislation to respond to the surge in migrants coming across our southern border.
President Biden’s defense budget was way late and billions of dollars short. Military leaders repeatedly warned that the U.S. cannot defend against the growing aggression of adversaries like China without adequate defense...
The American Space Commerce Act allows for full expensing of space launch property, creating a tax environment that empowers this next generation of space explorers rather than holding them back with bureaucratic barriers....
Texas businesses that require customers to be vaccinated against COVID-19 will be denied state contracts and could lose their licenses or operating permits under legislation Gov. Greg Abbott signed into law Monday.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline from Russia to Germany is a “real weapon” and expressed surprise and disappointment in U.S. President Joe Biden's approval of the project. 
For those of us who represent areas where these children are found and where processing centers are located, increased transparency between Congress and ORR would allow for better awareness and swifter, more effective policy...
In order to ensure that our National Guard is able to answer our states’ and our nation’s toughest calls, our troops need the adequate resources, including the proper rotation, retention and recruitment of personnel in the...
The United States – thanks to smart policies like the 2018 Farm Bill – retains the safest, most abundant, and affordable food supply in the world. Producers in West Texas play a large part in this accomplishment, and...
Military service must never be a detriment to future employment, but rather an asset. I’m proud to introduce this bipartisan legislation prioritizing veteran employment following the COVID-19 pandemic.
America’s critical infrastructure is under attack. Last month, hackers crippled our gas distribution operations, and this weekend an enormous U.S. food supplier was successfully targeted by bad actors.
Before the events of Sunday night, some Texas Republicans were declaring this session the most conservative in the state’s recent history after they passed bills allowing permitless carry of handguns and restricting abortion...
Recently, U.S. Senators Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) and I sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas urging him to commit to a timeframe to lift COVID-related travel restrictions on non-...



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