United States

The American people are being ‘played’.  Our society (along with others in the west) has fallen victim to social engineering.  Far too many people in this country (and Europe) want to ‘feel good‘.  And evil today is...
The threat of terrorism remains a deadly challenge for us and our allies around the globe. In the last four years alone, we have seen the ability of terrorist groups—many of which we had thought we had defeated—to evolve and...
I released the following statement after Republican House members voted to elect Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as Minority Leader and Steve Scalise (R-LA) as Minority Whip for the 116th Congress: 
I certainly join in the effort to try to reform what we can of our criminal justice system.The smart way to deal with this is recognizing the reality that people need to be prepared, if they are willing to accept the help,...
On Twitter the other day I noted that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who said she couldn’t afford a D.C. apartment until she started getting paid as a member of Congress, would fit right in with her fellow legislators.An expense...
As one wildfire keeps inflicting more tragedy in Northern California, millions of people in Southern California will face treacherous fire conditions Tuesday.
This Veterans Day, we pause to honor the selfless service and unyielding courage of the men and women of our Armed Forces. We say ‘thank you’ to every brave soldier, sailor, airman, marine, and coast guardsman who pledge...
The ruling late Thursday by the judge came weeks after caseworker Lavar Jones shocked the courtroom by pleading his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination repeatedly during a removal hearing in which the judge...
As the midterm elections wrap up, it is clear that Democrats gained majority control of the US House and Republicans increased their majority control in the US Senate. What does this bode for passing real solutions for...
Attorney General Sessions has selflessly dedicated more than 40 years to serving the people of Alabama and the nation. As our country’s top law enforcement official, he has been integral in fighting the opioid epidemic,...
The Service Academy Nominations Board I established in 2013 held its annual meeting to review applications and recommend the most qualified Texas candidates for nomination to our nation’s distinguished service academies....
Sixteen Democrats vowed Monday to oppose Nancy Pelosi for speaker on the House floor, throwing the California Democrat’s bid to reclaim the gavel in serious jeopardy.
national immigration forum leading the way
WASHINGTON, D.C. — A broad coalition from across the country, including a Republican and a Democratic senator, agreed at a convening today that we need a humane, constructive way forward on immigration.
World War I ended 100 years ago. During the brutal, bloody war, thousands were killed in an area of France and Belgium called Flanders.‘‘In Flanders Fields,’’ by John McCrae.
“Jobs smash estimates with gain of 250,000, wage gains pass 3% for first time since recession”  - What an amazing headline from CNBC last week and there is no doubt about it—the American economy is booming. Across the nation...
One in ten Americans join the military and I am proud to say that the state of Texas consistently meets their quarterly quotas. Texans are raised with a sense of patriotism and civic duty, which is reflected by the number of...
A recent article from Prophecy News Watch tells of the plight of Americans today and how they are struggling to ‘survive’ our current economic status.  Understanding that there are those who will always be ‘at the...
There are three important traits that leaders young and old should have: courage, confidence, and character. The three C's is a good name for them. These traits are the foundation of what the 2.6 million Girl Scouts...
President Trump's decision to restore all sanctions on Iran that had been removed under the terrible nuclear deal is to be applauded.  We now know that despite the Obama Administration's attempts to appease the mullahs in...
Today I would like to honor the heroism of Specialist Fifth Class Clarence E. Sasser of the United States Army. Specialist Fifth Class Clarence E. Sasser was a private in the 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment, 9th...



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