
A strong national defense is vital in a post-9/11 world. That includes comprehensive border security. In keeping us safe, the government may be tempted to overreach in ways disturbing to those of us who value our liberty above all else. Spying on Americans in the name of security is unacceptable. Finding the right balance between our national security and our freedoms is essential in keeping Americans safe from terrorists who want to kill us because they hate our way of life.

The Trump administration is making plans to pull all 2,000 American troops out of Syria, U.S. officials confirmed to Fox News on Wednesday. The Wall Street Journal was first to report the administration’s Syria plans....
We have learned--and had reinforced repeatedly--the lesson about the importance of a strategic asset that is both the decisive advantage and critical success element in American engagement around the globe.
The family of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry is still waiting for answers about the U.S. government’s role in the circumstances leading to his December 2010 murder. Two firearms found at the crime scene were purchased...
Improving our border security doesn’t mean just improving physical security along our border. It also means addressing the problems that bring them here in the first place.
The Republic of Georgia is a beacon of democracy in a part of the world which has struggled to break the legacy of Soviet oppression. While Georgia successfully achieved independence in 1991, Moscow is still attempting to...
Vladimir Putin has again reminded the world that he has no respect for international law, sovereignty of neighboring states, or peace in our world. Since 2014, Russia has illegally occupied Crimea and fueled a war in Eastern...
Last week marked the ten year anniversary of the most horrific terrorist attacks in India's history. In 2008, the city of Mumbai became a warzone when ten terrorists attacked hotels, railway stations, cafes, and a Jewish...
I have said for over 20 years that the United States will be at war in the future with both Russia and China.  Even more boldly, I’ve suggested when that conflict would take place.  Which, on the surface...
Today at a press conference, I discussed the migrant crisis at the border and the importance for any long-term solution to be bipartisan. Excerpts of Sen. Cornyn’s remarks are below, and video can be found here. 
Born in the 1920s, he grew up in the Depression of the 1930s poor, just like many American children in the rural areas. Fresh vegetables were grown in the family garden behind the small frame house, and his mother made...
The terrorist group Hezbollah and their Iranian patrons are preparing for war against our Israeli allies. We know this because Israel discovered at least two tunnels crossing into their territory from Lebanon. These tunnels...
Human trafficking is modern-day slavery, and we cannot turn a blind eye to this human rights crisis.
The people of Iran have taken to the streets and continue to protest against the illegitimate regime of the Ayatollah and the mullahs. These protests have taken place in numerous cities now for one year.
A wave of bomb threats were reported Thursday against businesses, schools, hospitals and other places across the country — causing panic and evacuations, although all appeared to be hoaxes.
On the floor, I discussed my support for the revised version of the First Step Act, a criminal justice reform bill that includes my prison reform legislation. I’ve long been a supporter of these reforms after what I...
Congress has a timely opportunity during the lame-duck session to ensure protection for Dreamers and fund border security.
Prior to being elected to Congress in 2004, I spent 30 years as a criminal prosecutor and Judge in Houston, Texas. During that time, I encountered the worst of the worst in our society, from abusers to rapists to murderers....
Around the globe today, nations plagued by conflict and violence pose serious challenges for our interests abroad and security at home. 
Three US service members were killed Tuesday by an improvised explosive device near the city of Ghazni, Afghanistan, the US military announced.
Happy Thanksgiving!God continues to bless America! We have so much to be thankful for!I want to congratulate our new Texas lawmakers for the 116th Congress.



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