
It is no accident that Texas consistently leads the nation in job creation. Some have described this economic powerhouse as a "Texas Miracle." But, we know better than that. The Texas Economic Experience is rooted in concepts and principles that will work anywhere they're tried: Keeping taxes low, creating a predictable regulatory climate, cracking down on lawsuit abuse, and investing in critical infrastructure like roads, water and schools in a fiscally responsible way.
This administration must take immediate action and stand up for the agricultural producers that feed and clothe our nation. It’s time to put the United States first and stand up to our adversaries.
The threat of President Biden’s tax hikes is causing damage to the economy as Main Street businesses brace for higher costs.
The worst thing Washington could do now is fuel inflation with more spending or impose tax hikes on employers that ultimately show up in higher prices for customers and higher taxes on their workers.
In January, the Consumer Price Index showed that inflation went over expectations at 7.5 percent, the largest increase since February 1982.
I recently joined The Sam Malone Show to discuss President Biden's continued economic crisis, weak foreign policy, continued border crisis and rising crime across the country.
Food, energy, and housing prices all continue to climb, while working families' income decreases.
Economic optimism about the future has plummeted, and Americans of all political views have lost confidence in President Biden’s competence to heal the economy.
I appeared on Fox News Radio’s "The Brian Kilmeade Show" to discuss President Biden’s disappointing first year in office.
If you follow unintended consequences of the Covid pandemic - digital money, you probably noticed many businesses only want credit cards, not cash.
A recent Rational Middle podcast debunked the myth that immigration depresses the labor market opportunities of low-skilled native-born Americans.
Farmers and ranchers in my district have experienced cut water lines, stolen property, broken fences, and other damages as a result of migrants passing through the area.
Wednesday on Fox News’ Your World with Neil Cavuto, I discussed the Democrats’ plan to suspend the federal gas tax in order to mitigate the inflation affecting American families.
The President not only doesn’t recognize it, but he’s still pushing for the Build Back Better plan that will make inflation and the worker shortage even worse.”
A group of House Republicans led by Representative Maria Elvira Salazar (FL-27) introduced the Dignity Act, an immigration reform bill they say will end illegal immigration, reestablish law and order, provide a solution for...
This third article of the "How to Fix the Broken Immigration System" series offers adjustments that lawmakers should make to the legal immigration system that will increase economic growth, combat inflation, and prevent...
Democrats in Congress aren't serious about confronting China, holding them accountable for their trade commitments, or insisting China stop cheating America and other countries.
The Biden administration needs to rapidly reverse this situation, recover the lost visas through legislation, and go even further or the U.S. economy will suffer long run drags on its growth.
Instead of helping taxpayers get their refunds, this President is prioritizing a dangerous bank surveillance scheme and unleashing 80,000 IRS agents on families, farmers, and small businesses who they are convinced are tax...
Inflation is a severe threat to getting workers off the sidelines and back into the workforce—yet the Biden Administration has ignored it, denied it, and is now passing the buck for their own incompetence.
U.S. consumer prices rose solidly in December, with the annual increase in inflation the largest in nearly four decades.



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