Larry Perrault

Well, I guess I’m caught in my deceit. All this time, I’ve pretended that I objected to little things like spending more money than all previous administrations COMBINED, leaving an unfathomable debt for generations to come...
On Monday, I watched a woman at the town hall of a Republican representative pose a question that reflected something that Democrats are trying fiercely to squeeze. The woman first conceded that she wasn’t very pleased by...
There is a lot of chatter in the air about why we do or do not need federal “reform” of health-care in The United States. Americans need to be clear on the substance and the priority of the relevant questions. 
First of all, it’s hardly certain that anything like The House of Representatives’ health care reform bill will pass: in fact it’s darned unlikely. However, it’s at least as unlikely that Democrats will let this Congress...
What I fear is that Democrats will appear to have backed off enough to get the health care measure passed, possibly even with some Republican support, but will still manage to plant a seed that will grow into government...
The healthcare bill before Congress forbids enrollment in a private health insurance plan on or after the day the law takes effect. Obama has harped on the line that, “If you want to keep your existing plan, you can.” I...



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