Larry Perrault

I wanted to say more about Glenn Beck, whose CPAC speech I previously remarked on. But, it seemed that I should say something about the Fox News Sunday appearance of Mitt Romney, whom I had wanted to say something about...
Former Saturday Night Live star Victoria Jackson has just realeased a video entitled, "Theres a Communist Living in the White House." This video is an uncomplicated look at the uncomplicated reality!
I do have thoughts about Senator Bunning and the Pay-Go situation, but honestly, more and more for me, things are boiling down to one BIG? thing. Personally of course, Jim Bunning is no issue, a retiring Senator. And, this...
I was asked recently what I thought of Bill Bennett’s National Review blog saying Glenn Beck’s CPAC speech was wrong. I’m sure you’ll be surprised to know that as I read Bennett’s comments, I had reactions spouting...
I wonder if some people are asking about me: “Who’s side is this guy on?” Well to begin with, I don’t think that is the first kind of question we should be asking. I’m pretty libertarian when it comes to the federal...
With all that she has accomplished, why do people on the left and some on the right, say that Sarah Palin is dumb or more kindly, unequipped for the presidency? The first thing that strikes me when I see the question of...
First of all, all of these arguments and all of the strain about immigration and libertarianism are a distraction in light of what is happening in America: sort of like fighting over the furniture when the house is on fire...
Lauro Garza reopened the discussion over the stark anti-immigration language in the GOP, which also opened some discussion about l(L?)ibertarianism. What is most notable about these discussions is the resemblance the...
I want to restate and elaborate on a couple of the points from what was posted Thursday (Ding! Dong! The Witch Is Dead!...).
This comment was recently sent in by a TexasGOPVote reader regarding the Massachusetts Special Election:
As someone has suggested, if it's this money that is the only stoppage of this horrible bill, then hurrah for corporate money! Yes, money is speech. In a nation of our size, without money, there is no political speech...
During the day, I usually listen to a couple of radio talk show hosts.  I remember the late 1980’s when Rush Limbaugh was growing into a national phenomenon. All of my life before, there had been no media representation of...
What I want to know is, where are all the governors and state legislators that will stand up and say that what the federal government is trying to do is nonsense? If this video doesn’t raise the fur of our “states have no...
I would name a handful of the weekend’s Conservative Political Action Committee convention speakers in Washington, that I’d describe as particularly important to see.
All of my life, the old charge was that The Republican Party was the one in bed with business. But, true conservatives don’t favor corporations, they favor liberty. That charge was usually a canard, though we have seen...
My friend Lauro Garza has scorned the possible inclination of Ron Paul and his followers to run from The Republican Party to a third party. In the case of Dr. Paul himself, I feel fairly safe in predicting that that will...
According to Newsmax,
I’m neither a high-flying trader or an Ivy League (as if that indicates truth) student of economics. I claim only common sense, which submersion in both academic abstractions and the conventional economic wisdom of over 75...
The witch was the filibuster-proof Senate majority. Everyone asks now, what Obama and Democrats will do. Will they try to introduce a “scaled back” health care plan?
The Massachusetts Senate race is huge and immediately demanding of our attention. Here’s why:Honestly, even after the latest reports of polls showing Scott Brown actually LEADING IN Massachusetts, and this morning hearing...



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