Larry Perrault
October 24th, 2011
This is mainly from comments on Bob Price’s Sunday post. The question of Herman Cain’s position and statements on abortion and the relevant issues are critical, both in terms of the morality of this particular question, and...
October 11th, 2011
I think I’d support Jon Huntsman for the Republican nomination before Mitt Romney, though I’m not too worried about Huntsman. And actually, with all of the media clamor about him notwithstanding, I’m not terribly concerned...
September 21st, 2011
For years, I’ve said that the European all-consuming and ostensibly all-providing state could not survive. As America has followed in its wake and recently pulled almost alongside, nor can Europe’s model survive for us. To...
September 2nd, 2011
Earlier I posted what I had responded to a friend in another state’s inquiry about Texas Governor Rick Perry. But I left out some important things that obviously become more relevant as scrutiny of Perry increases and...
August 13th, 2011
With family for dinner, I DID manage to watch the Republican debate in Iowa Thursday night. Debates always tie hands of candidates trying to distinguish themselves. Of those on the stage, I was partial to Herman Cain, who...
July 29th, 2011
I read the threads from last night and this morning about whether as Allen West has, conservatives should accept the Boehner plan and abandon the tea party insistence that there should be NO debt increase without spending...
July 5th, 2011
Democrats, deluded media and leftist academicians and other “experts,” are as usual, much on about the urgency to add “revenue” measures to a debt-reduction program. By this, of course, they mean tax increases, and...
June 28th, 2011
Some of you may be aware that as I have told people, Bill O’Reilly is not a conservative. Many think he is, for a simple reason: they literally don’t know what they are talking about. He inclines...
June 7th, 2011
I suppose it could startle some of you, but there are (gasp!) things in life more important than politics. America is a unique place where social fates rest largely on the prudence of its citizens, who have been given some...
June 2nd, 2011
It has taken me a few days to get this post off the ground, but as usual, those few days further enlightened the subject. I want to mention several noted conservatives’ dismissive comments about Palin that I find perplexing...
October 19th, 2011
Sentimentally, though he is not as reflexively ideologically conservative as I am, I’m inclined toward Herman Cain for the Republican nomination. Constrained by considerations of security and the deterrence of fraud,...
September 26th, 2011
As I’ve said, Rick Perry is not my first choice for President, but I wouldn’t oppose him if he gathered momentum and/or won the nomination. But the supposed smarties have said he is in trouble with his Florida debate...
September 9th, 2011
Some think Rick Perry committed political suicide at The Republican debate Wednesday night, when he vigorously defended his assertion that Social Security is a “Ponzi Scheme.” The atmosphere is improving, though I’m not...
August 16th, 2011
This article by Linda Chavez discusses, specifically in England but present in other European countries as well and growingly in the US, a moral decline that has seen a great increase in out-of-wedlock births, a d
August 13th, 2011
A longtime conservative Christian friend of political organizing in Minnesota, who has authored several books, recently co-authoring three or four on free market health care, inquired of my assessment of Texas Gov. Rick...
July 26th, 2011
Several days ago, a Facebook Friend posted the question as to why Social Security checks are the first thing threatened when a shortfall on the existing budget is a possibility, in this case, unless the debt-ceiling is...
July 1st, 2011
I intended to give an everyday illustration of how government regulation corrupts markets and actually consolidates market inequalities, but that will wait a few days. This somewhat follows up on Tuesday’s post, in which I...
June 22nd, 2011
I want to talk about fading political instincts and joining forces that should be properly allied. And part of that interest was represented on Dennis Prager’s Monday radio program. Thomas Woods was a guest on the program...
June 7th, 2011
Michael Medved fell into the popular inclination to analyze every word Sarah Palin says, as a submitted essay response to a question of their own imagination. He assessed Palin’s answer to a questioner about what she took...
May 24th, 2011
There’s a lot to talk about here. Mitch Daniels, whom I thought would enter the race and was going to discuss, bowed out over the weekend, saying he loved his family even more than he loved his country. I thought Daniels...