Will SB 5 have a Fairy Tale Ending?

Hanging by a thread. By the skin of your teeth. These are phrases one might use when you just barely get something you want or you don't get what you want, but just by a little bit. I think it could go either way in this case, depending on what side of the issue you're on. If you live in the great state of Texas, you know that I'm talking about the near passage/failure of SB 5, a sweeping pro-life bill that the notorious Democrat Wendy Davis nearly filibustered to death. She was stopped only long enough to have it voted on and passed, but just minutes after the midnight deadline. On the heels of the final moments of the end of the first special session for the Texas Legislature, called by Governor Rick Perry, there is lots of emotion and no lack of opinions on what exactly came down.

I myself am not surprised that the Democrats had hundreds, if not thousands, screaming and shouting in the Senate chambers. Pro-life legislation is something that the Democrats are generally against and this case was no different.

I am personally pro-life and have donated not only my time to various pregnancy help centers but my treasure as well to numerous pro-life groups to help stop the gravy train that Planned Parenthood seems to be on. Planned Parenthood loves steaming through towns to peddle their lies and their malice in order to take the lives of countless helpless babies, not to mention their desire to take away the innocence of so many children because they believe five-year-olds need to know about sex.

Senator Dan Patrick was on hand to give TexasGOPVote a little insight as to the happenings on the Senate floor, complete with a photo. Interested? Read on...

Kelly Horsley: I know that Senate versions of bills often differ from the House versions. What was different in the Senate version versus the House version of SB 5?

Senator Dan Patrick: The Senate version did not have fetal pain in the bill. We had the votes to pass it if it had come to the floor within SB5.

Kelly Horsley: Do you think there is anything, any language that could have been changed that would have garnered more bi-partisan support and therefore ended the filibuster before it began?

Senator Patrick: Several of us supporting including [fetal pain] were concerned about exactly what happened. If we had included it, the house could have passed it without any changes, and instead of coming back to the Senate, would have gone to the Governor. That would have prevented the filibuster. We had one Democrat with us. The others seemed to be locked in their position against the bill.

Kelly Horsley: Did the crowd play a factor in whether this bill was passed or not so close the midnight deadline?

Senator Patrick: The crowd definitely impacted the final fifteen minutes, but we should have never been in that position. We had thirty days to pass four bills. A lack of planning and leadership put us in that box that allowed the crowd to alter the outcome.

Kelly Horsley: I read your Facebook posts and one you mentioned that Lt. Governor David Dewhurst sort of drug his feet, if you will, before calling the vote. In your opinion, did that hinder the bill's passage?

Senator Patrick: Yes. Senator Paxton and I were part of a group wanting to move the previous question which would have ended the filibuster. Paxton made the request and was rebuffed around 8:00 PM. I made it at 9:30 and was told "not now". I finally made the motion at 11:45 approximately with the Lt. Governor out of the chair. After the motion was passed, we needed only to pass the bill. The Lt. Governor did nothing of urgency to get the vote finished before the clock ran down.

Kelly Horsley: If the Governor does agree to call a special session, what do you think will be the outcome of SB 5?

Senator Patrick: We should pass it. We have the majority and the votes, but we need leadership to have a plan.

Kelly Horsley: Also, if the Governor calls a second special session, are there any other bills you would like to see revisited?

Senator Patrick: Campus Carry and two school choice bills the Democrats blocked in regular session.

The tale of the near passage/failure invokes images of Cinderella racing down the stairs and leaving her glass slipper behind. I believe firmly that we the people need to take that glass slipper and bring it to Governor Perry in hopes that he would call a second special session in order that we might find the perfect fit for Texas and SB 5...he did and we shall.


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