Texas Rep. David Simpson attacked at Town Hall meeting
It seems conservative State Rep. David Simpson who represents the people of District 7 in East Texas has caused some tempers to flare. He held a Town Hall meeting on July 22, 2014 after his seven day family vacation along the Texas-Mexico border. His detailed account is amazing and includes aerial views to show the Rio Grande winding in and out of Mexico and the complexities of securing the Texas-Mexico border. He explained that the border runs in the deepest part of the Rio Grande making it virtually impossible to build a fence there.
In his almost two hour meeting, Simpson purposely delivered his eye witness account about the people from Central America and the dilemma it has stimulated in Texas. In the detention centers he visited, he revealed that fingerprints of all detainees are taken including Other Than Mexicans, which includes the people from Central America but also those entering illegally from China, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India. He said that the Mexicans are being repatriated on the same day.
He told his audience that 20% of the children from Central America are unaccompanied and that it is a humanitarian crisis. They are segregated by sex, age, or mothers with infants or small children and are quarantined if they have medical issues. He also mentioned that there are not enough beds for those seeking asylum. The children, he said, are in the crosshairs of this problem. Simpson stated, “It’s a tragic situation for the children, and I do not support sending them all over our country.” He also made it clear that these people should ‘not be forced on anyone’.
Simpson was trying to make a point that there is a humanitarian crisis and a security breach crisis manufactured by the crime rate, sexual assaults, and sexual slavery of the Northern Triangle. He also pointed to those seeking opportunity and that advertising by word of mouth in Central America was most effective. He also told them that there is a Campaign in Central America to deter the people from coming to the US. “If you do get to the US, you will not be put on a path to citizenship. There is no ‘permiso’. It is a dangerous journey and many lose their lives or are sexually assaulted.”
His message was also that of compassion. He reminded those listening that “we are a nation of immigrants” and that the people are still coming for hope, opportunity and freedom. He acknowledged the fact that there are some entering to be dependent. Simpson told his audience that we have more Americans renouncing their citizenship than ever before and that our declining birthrate is not sustainable. “The greatest part of our country is not just the natural resources but it is our people.” He quoted Proverbs 20:28, Deuteronomy 10:18-19 and Leviticus 19:33 all having to do with treating the alien with kindness and justice.
After presenting his eye witness account of his investigation, he opened the meeting for questions. Surprisingly, there were a few constituents who made some pretty revealing remarks about themselves. They were unrealistic, some were foolish, and even some were brought on by the MSM hysteria on disease. His laid back demeanor and apparent patience allowed for the verbal assaults.
“Boycott local businesses that hire illegal immigrants.”
“We have a nation of 300 million so we don’t need any more people. The people are being paid not to work so that shows we don’t need any more immigrants. We don’t need any more people at the trough.”
“I vote with my feet, and I vote with my money. You need to get pissed off, you need to get mad, you need to get down there and say look, stop them now, get them out, that’s somebody else’s problem, deal with Mexico if we have to and tell Mexico to shut down their lower border. Deal with our president; yank his tail down there because he works for me not for you, he works for me, get him down there and shut it down. They are changing the demographics.”
“We have children and we have elderly people with immune deficiency disorder. These people are coming in with diseases, leprosy, tuberculosis and polio. You need to represent us. You need to tell our city council and county government NOT HERE!”
“We are endangering the lives of our family and children by not doing anything."
Simpson supports the Humane Act by US Senator John Cornyn and Congressman Henry Cuellar, both Texans and wasn’t without recommendations. Simpson is well respected and liked by his constituents, and it’s not always the case that a Texas House Representative is so willing to take on the responsibility of investigating a ‘crisis’ that is consuming many Texans. Some of his ideas are:
Reduce Government Freebies to illegals and citizens
Increase Law Enforcement
Greater Access to Federal Lands
Secure and Control the Border
Lower Restriction from Legal Immigration
Facilitate Law Abiding Migrant Workers to Require Legal Status before Granting Birthright Citizenship
Keep in Custody the Detainees until the USA Determines Credible Fear and make sure that the people we are releasing them to are not predators as well
Increase Immigration Judges
Swift Hearings for UAC and Family Units
Requiring compliance with Federal Promise to Appear; that they have Legal Status when attending our schools
Listening to Rep. Simpson’s message, I found him to be forthright, knowledgeable and willing to carefully explain in detail the circumstances we are currently facing with the border crisis. It is a shame that some of the people felt it necessary to be verbally abusive regardless of their limited information.
Pray, Fight, Never Give Up!
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