
It is no accident that Texas consistently leads the nation in job creation. Some have described this economic powerhouse as a "Texas Miracle." But, we know better than that. The Texas Economic Experience is rooted in concepts and principles that will work anywhere they're tried: Keeping taxes low, creating a predictable regulatory climate, cracking down on lawsuit abuse, and investing in critical infrastructure like roads, water and schools in a fiscally responsible way.
While Obama talks of being the savior of the Middle Class, Middle Class income has dropped nearly 5% during the recovery, which is double of what their income went down during the recession. Obama is not saving the Middle...
The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of...
With 43 consecutive months of an unemployment rate above eight percent, struggling Americans continue to watch the Obama Administration promote the same failed tax-and-spend policies that have discouraged economic recovery...
You’ve probably seen this by now, but here’s Peter Schiff at the Democratic Convention posing as an imbecile, and finding people who think profits should be banned.Posing as an anti-business crusader, Peter Schiff found a...
In honor of the great message that Clint Eastwood delivered to the Republican National Convention last week, there is a one-day grassroots movement effort to encourage all Americans to place an empty chair near their front...
Tuesday was an incredible day for Texas Republicans attending the party’s national convention in Tampa, Florida. Texas’ newly elected U.S. Senate Candidate Ted Cruz delivered a spectacular keynote speech--without using a...
Today’s dismal forecast from the non-partisan CBO underscores the need for the Obama Administration and Washington Democrats to join House Republicans’ efforts to replace the looming defense cuts and stop the tax hike. My...
Many think Obama has the youth vote wrapped up. However, this week I received an email from Matthew Faraci with "Generation Opportunity" (GO). GO is a non-profit group that is working on engaging young adults, early career...
As our country has become faced with more and more labor shortages in the agriculture, construction and hospitality industries, will the DREAMers step up and provide the necessary labor? I know... Some of you are saying, "...
 The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.
When many ask, “Why can’t ‘they’ wait in line like everyone else?” I don’t think that they know the history of Mexicans in the U.S. Or if they do, they don’t bother to understand how it is on the verge of repeating itself...
I have four things to say.(1) David Weidner wrote an article critical of the gold standard.(2) The article contains gems of knowledge like this:Another problem is that rather than try to improve our currency systems, we keep...
In this letter to the editor of the Conroe Courier, Bill O'Sullivan's message embodies what is best about Americans and why we work as hard as we do. His actions on behalf of our Tea Party have been true and honorable, like..., America hit 16 trillion in debt. If this does not scare you, then nothing will. Remember the Super Committee that was supposed to come up with a...
This summer, the Republican Party of Texas took a bold step forward on the issues of border security and immigration reform by adopting "The Texas Solution." The national Republican Party has now followed suit by...
Tuesday night featured many prominent conservative women and minorities, counteracting the liberal message of division. While the Democrat Party loves to set us against each other, the Republican Party focused on a theme of...
Last month, Jeff Sadighi and the Southeast Texas Tea Party organized a Health Care Town Hall.Little did they know that their Obamacare Forum would lead to national attention.This Texas Healthcare Forum made big waves after a...
If you want to be inspired about an American comeback, watch this HD Video produced by Americans for Fair Taxation. It is powerful!
Today, I released the following statement in response to the Department of Labor’s unemployment report for the month of July:
 The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) is a political committee devoted to maintaining and increasing the 239-member Republican majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.



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