Jay Leno

Political analyst/commentator and TexasGOPVote blogger Bob Price joined Dallas County GOP Chair Wade Emmert's power panel Sunday for his weekly WPAB radio show called "The Wade Emmert Show." Joining Bob on the power panel...
Jay Leno made a suggestion on his June 3rd show which was met with overwhelming approval!“Guantanamo Bay? How ’bout closing the IRS?”Or maybe move the IRS to Gitmo? Boom. Perfect idea Jay! 2 thumbs way up!!
Jay Leno may have summed up our situation when he quipped, “How ironic is that? We wanted a president that listens to all Americans -- now we have one.” Yes we have a President who is listening to us all, but then...
Commenting on the recent Russian Spy Scandal Ol' Uncle Joe seem quite indifferent about foreign spies being in the U.S. In an interview on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno last week Biden joked regarding the ten spies "they'd...

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