liberal zealotry

From the public rhetoric and actions, it appears that the Left’s motto is “If I can’t have it, no one can.” In direct contrast to all the talk of protecting and preserving the middle class from the Obama administration, I’m...
I recently caught up with Brandon Darby in Silsbee, Texas. The former prominent Leftie community organizer turned hero and patriot was working on bringing attention to what has been dubbed the Silsbee Rape Case. I took this...
It is surprising that any American could ever have kind words for the man responsible for the 9/11 attacks, but it appears that Bill Maher does. In a recent show, he discussed Osama bin Ladens stance on global warming,...
A friend of mine sent me a copy of a Facebook interchange many weeks ago that at once was both disturbing and illuminating. Disturbing, because it was a very crass response by a liberal Democrat to a rather non-provoking...
Ever since the 70’s when the liberal Feminist Movement began, liberal women have been crying ‘Sexual Harassment’!The feminists never make an objection about liberal attacks on Conservative women, but they join the liberal...
Once again liberal hypocrisy is on full display and in such a beautiful way in Wisconsin. Due to a multi-billion dollar budget deficit, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has decided to take on the unions who are...
The latest anti-global warming campaign 10:10, aimed at getting people to reduce their carbon footprint by 10% in 2010 has come out with a graphic eco-fascist "No Pressure" commercial pressuring people to cut emissions.

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