2017 Texas Legislature

The 85th Texas Legislative Session started January 10, 2017 and runs until May 29, 2017. It is a bicameral body composed of a 31-member Senate and a 150-member House of Representatives. Learn about the latest developments in the 2017 Texas Legislative Session here.

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Recently Amazon announced its next headquarters will be in New York and Virginia. Since the two finalists from Texas (Dallas and Austin) lost out on this opportunity for approximately 50,000 new jobs and up to $5 billion in...
A much-anticipated report on threats to the Texas economy finds that inadequate spending on things like infrastructure and public education coupled with debates about socially divisi
Before the Austin City Council had even taken its final vote to approve a new requirement for private employers to provide paid sick leave to their employees, Republican members of the Texas Legislature were already saying...
Texas Alliance for Life has released our 2017 Legislative Scorecard for both the Regular and First Called Special Sessions of the 85th Texas Legislature, which were both held in 2017.
An inscription on the cenotaph reads: In Memory of the Heroes who sacrificed their lives March 6, 1836 in the defense of Texas. They chose never to surrender or retreat; these brave hearts with flag still proudly waving...
Texas Association of Business released their legislator scorecard this morning. This scorecard, called For the Record, is a ranking of all Texas legislators based on how they voted for pro-business policies in the...
In a move many business leaders called “long overdue,” Texas House Speaker Joe Straus has announced a new panel of lawmakers will consider what policies need to be in place – and what kind of policies should be rejected – in...
The Special Session called by Governor Greg Abbott is officially over, so how did we do protecting life?  Short answer: never in the history of Texas, has the legislature passed so many life-saving, life affirming measures...
The first collapse of the so-called "bathroom bill" in May laid bare an escalating feud in Texas between ascendant social conservatives and moderate Republicans, and the mutual distrust only seemed to deepen over summer....
 The biggest problem is the Texas proposal is completely unnecessary. Why, you may ask? Because what Kolkhorst’s bill claims to prevent is already illegal.
The 2017 Texas Legislature passed SB4 to outlaw sanctuary cities and allow police to question any person who they detain of their immigration status.
Gov. Greg Abbott has surprised many observers of Texas politics by actively campaigning to defeat three incumbent Republican members of the Texas House of Representatives in their bids for re-election – Lyle Larson from San...
Mark Keough and Craig Doyal
There is much heated debate right now over skyrocketing property taxes in Texas and who is to blame. Who's the real culprit? Who's been fighting to cut your property taxes in Montgomery County?
Texas construction executives told state lawmakers this past week that there is an urgent need for more legal workers in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, a storm that worsened an already acute labor shortage along the Gulf...
With an expedited scheduled described as “unprecedented,” a special Texas House committee on Wednesday got down to work examining a wide variety of challenges facing the state as lawmakers study ways to preserve its economic...
Today, Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus (R-San Antonio) announced that he would not seek re-election for his Texas House of Representatives seat in House District 121. 
Senate Bill 4, which was packaged and sold by Governor Greg Abbot as a means to improve the safety of Texans, will actually make Texas a more dangerous place for everyone to live.
The Texas Legislature concluded its 140-day regular session at the end of May with sensational pro-life successes. The Legislature passed six pro-life bills, continued to fund alternatives to abortion and continued to defund...
The House and Senate have been struggling to reach a deal on a proposed law aimed at blocking cities from going too far in stopping homeowners from cutting down trees on their own property. Abbott has made tree cutting...
"A lot of people felt that the bill itself, on its face, is not necessary," he said. "It's a solution looking for a problem."



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